Call to order: 7:15pmAttendance/Introduction question: Favorite wildflower? Christy Stewart, Karen Greene, Faffs Reiderer, Nicholas McCullough (District 5), Natasha Winnik, Joanna Williams, Sky Jacobs, Violet, Sula, Changes/approval of previous month’s minutes: approvedTreasurer’s report: $663Announcements (external and internal)Board of Supervisors meeting…
Call to order: 7:03pmAttendance/Introduction question: What is your favorite pool? Christopher Rolla, Christy Stewart, Eddie Barrón (Ward 1), Karen Greene, Faffs Reiderer, Nicholas McCullough,  Lisa Scoblink, Abra Bentley, Sky Jacob, Natasha Winnik,  Noemie Despland-Lichett, Brendon Changes/approval of previous month’s minutes:
1.    Call to order 7:13 2.    Attendance/Introduction question: What are reading/listening to these days?Faffs Reiderer, Christy Stewart, Nicholas McCullough, Montserrat Caballero, Lisa Scoblink, Natasha Winnik, Christopher Rolls, Karen Greene, Abra Bentley, Noemie Despland-Lichett, Brendon3.    Changes/approval of previous month’s…
Call to order 7:03Attendance/Introduction question: Karen Green - parliamentarian, John Bauer, Christopher Roll, Deborah Campion, Christy Stewart, Abra Bentley, Natasha Winnik, Brad Lancaster, Nicholas McCulllough - Pima County District 5, Faffs - President, Lisa Scoblink - Dunbar Coalition Liasson, Margie Donovan.Changes/approval of previous month’s minutesNo…