1. Call to Order 2. Sign-In & Introductions 3. Treasurer's Report  $1074.67 4. Announcements - 7:00 pm • Food waste being dumped at corner of 1st and 9th. Christy Voelkel is in process of addressing it with staff of nearby Sahara Apts. • Public Library has re-opened. • Christy Voelkel and Natasha Winnik…
1. Call to Order 7:00 pm 2. Sign-In & Introductions 3. Treasurer's Report • $1074.67 4. Announcements • Given conversation neighborhood requested from previous meeting, Karen spoke with Brad L. about improving community communication. Brad L. shared how miscommunication goes both ways and suggested better ways to…
1. Call to Order 2. Sign-In & Introductions 3. Treasurer's Report • $1074.67 4. Announcements 7:00 pm • Revised letter sent to IDEA school regarding removed tree. • Sunday March 1st – Bilingual discussion on how tax incentives (GPLETs) cause gentrification of barrios. Located at the Capilla Guadalupe Chapel (corner of…
1. Call to Order 2. Sign-In & Introductions 3. Treasurer's Report • $1074.67 4. Announcements 7:00 pm • April 20th meeting – newsletter needs to be completed by March 26th, call for articles and layout effort much beforehand – get started soon. • Letter of support sent in for TEP wall
1. Call to Order 2. Sign-In & Introductions 3. Treasurer's Report $1074.67 4. Announcements - 7:00 pm TPD Update -- Officer reports more vandalism, mostly Salvation Army and Estevan Park, 26 incidences total. Warns residents that with holidays comes more property theft. Do not leave the empty boxes…