1. Call to Order 2. Sign-In & Introductions 3. Treasurer's Report • $1074.67 4. Announcements - 7:00 pm • TEP Update—Transmission line from DeMoss Petrie substation to Kino substation. Still unsure where line will go. No one wants the above ground line in their neighborhood. Underground power lines are…
1. Call to Order 2. Sign-In & Introductions 3. Treasurer's Report • $1089.67 4. Announcements - 7:00 pm • Tucson Electric Power (TEP) is developing plans for a new transmission line to help satisfy growing energy needs, support the University of Arizona and University Medical Center Tucson – Banner, and strengthen…
By Henry Brean Arizona Daily Star Sep 7, 2019 Not long after Moses and Kelly Thompson moved into the historic Dunbar Neighborhood, a sinkhole opened up in front of their house on Perry Avenue, north of downtown. Thompson thought it was a broken sewer line, so he got a shovel and started to dig. He soon struck wood and something underneath. “I reached in and pulled out a handful of bones,” he…
1. Call to Order 2. Sign-In & Introductions 3. Treasurer's Report $1089.67 4. Announcements 7:00 pm Language Justice Collective training at Historic Y October 18th 5-7pm. Bicycle Blvd. meetings this next week. Thursday at Historic Y. Looking for input into how to improve Treat Avenue and 3rd Avenue Bicycle Blvd. improvements. 5. Committee Reports DNARC – Postponed for next…
1. Call to Order 2. Sign-In & Introductions 3. Treasurer's Report • $1089.67 4. Announcements - 7:00 pm • Natasha reports on candidates City of Tucson is hiring for Housing and Community Development Department Director. 5. Committee Reports • DNARC – Portable Ice Rink to be placed in…