Treasurer's Report: Tucson Old Pueblo Credit Union downtown location closing, however, DSNA will not seek an alternate credit union and will stay with TOPCU. Announcements: Meet Lane Santa Cruz - Candidate for Ward 1, Tucson City Council. “I am a second generation Tucsonan born and raised on the Southside. My father migrated from Eudeve-Opata Sonora to be…
Event Date:
Open to all - Starts at 9am, stay as long as you can or want Cost: $5 suggested donation, though no one will be turned away due to lack of funds. Where: the Dunbar/Spring Community Garden/Orchard space (NW corner of 11th Ave and University Blvd). After demonstration we will move to various parts of the neighborhood to get supervised hands-on…
Treasurer's Report: $1216.67 Announcements: Downtown branch credit union is closing. We have our neighborhood fund account at this credit union. There’s another branch on 22nd. Do we want to stay with our current credit union or move to another credit union? Not voting on this yet. Looking into First Credit Union on Stone Ave. first. Board Elections are on…
$1216 in DSNA account. Announcements: 12/18/2018 - Doggie Daycare and code amendment 03/23/2019 - Community archivist training program from 1 to 4 pm (product of ASU grant) Barrio Viejo is filing for a National Historic Landmark status. This status will extend to portions of Armory Park and Barrio Santa Rosa. City of Tucson Parks and Rec. - New director is…
Treasurers $2221.67 – no change. But there will be a check paid for $700 for the 100-year home map Announcements Dec 5th – Public hearing about the end of the Infill Incentive District. Last chance for input before Mayor/Council. Dec 5th – Public hearing on amending medical marijuana zoning. There has been discussion on the list about the TEP substation in the neighborhood. TEP has perhaps…