At minimum you can simply come to, and participate in our hands-on workshops or Work & Learn Stewarding Parties (fill out our contacts page to be alerted of these, or regularly check our Events page). But we’d really like to help you lift your capabilities and experience, as you also give back more to your community, its forests, its watershed, its residents, and more by stepping up to…
Event Date:
Plus, the opportunity to get your prunings chipped into mulch for an extremely reasonable donation Meet at the Dunbar/Spring Community Garden/Orchard space (NW corner of 11th Ave and University Blvd). After demonstration we will then move to various parts of the neighborhood to get hands-on experience with Aleck as we help prune native and domesticated food-bearing trees in our…
To direct street runoff to street-side tree basins for free irrigation and flood controlThe week of January 16, 2017 Dunbar/Spring Neighborhood Foresters will work with the City of Tucson and a local contractor to cut 4-inch diameter curb core holes through the street curb to direct street runoff to existing street-side tree basins in the Dunbar/Spring Neighborhood.…
See the two PDFs attached here. From Nov. 2016.Nov 2016 Downtown Links updateDeck Plaza at 9th Ave and Railroad crossing concept renderings
By Brad Lancaster A bare beginning When I moved to the Dunbar/Spring neighborhood in 1994 much of it was not a pleasant place to walk. Most of the public right-of-way (the area between the street curb and property lines/fences) was just hot, bare dirt devoid of shade trees and other life. There were few sidewalks, but thankfully there was plenty of room for earthen footpaths.…