Paul Buckwalter, a neighborhood elder, mentor, community organizer, father, husband, and friend passed away February 15, 2016. There will be a memorial service at St. Phillip's in the Hills Episcopal Church, 4440 N Campbell Ave. at 10 a.m. Saturday, March 12 Below are some memories, an article on Paul, and his obituary.Article in AZ Daily Star: Retired priest loved people more…
 A new book on the history of our neighborhood has just been released, "Dunbar: The Neighborhood, the School, and the People 1940-1965" by neighbor Aloma J. Barnes with a foreword by Chyrl Hill Lander. The back cover reads... "The story of Dunbar, the neighborhood that took its name from the school in its midst, is in many ways the story of America. An almost forgotten 160-acre swatch of…
by Brad LancasterTwenty-three volunteers and neighbors showed up to help plant rain (with water-harvesting basins/earthworks, twenty-two food- and medicinal-bearing native trees, and fertility (with cut up prunings placed within the basins). This brings the total number of trees planted at our neighborhood’s annual tree plantings to about 1,425! This was also the 20th annual tree planting by…
Event Date:
Time: Join Dunbar/Spring neighbors Sky Jacobs, Brad Lancaster, Omar Ore-Giron, Rocky Yosek, Ezra Roati and others at 7:30 am for a planting demonstration, then keep going to various parts of the neighborhood.The demonstration will show you how to plant the rain to maximize its potential, how to plant food-bearing native trees by seed and/or with nursery stock to maximize passive…
See more info at the City Planning and Development Services here. There is an informational meeting on November 16 from 5-6 pm at 33 W University (Merle's Automotive).