Over 2 dozen people from around Tucson came out to Beat Back Buffelgrass in Dunbar/Spring on January 25th. We all made a big difference. We removed 62 large garbage bags of buffelgrass from rights-of-way, water harvesting features, washes, and other areas around the neighborhood. Some areas will get reseeding with native vegetation mix.A very special thanks to Mead Mier from Pima Assciation of…
Event Date:
Location: meet next to BICAS on 9th Ave just north of 6th StTime: January 25th at 11am Come help eradicate buffelgrass from our neighborhood on 'Beat Back Buffelgrass Day'.We will be walking the neighborhood and doing work along the street side within the right-of-way, the walking paths, and the curb bump-outs. (This is also a great day for residents in the…
By Brad Lancaster Due to abuse of water access and leaks in the 15-year old irrigation line the Dunbar/Spring garden (and the playground area) were wasting vast amounts of water resulting in months of excessively high bills. The bleeding was finally stopped at a volunteer work party in late July/early August (with materials funded by the Ironwood Tree Experience) ripped out all the old…
Desert Harvesters wants to THANK YOU to the many amazing people and organizations that helped make this year’s 11th annual Desert Harvesters season and Mesquite Milling, Pancakes, and Fiesta a huge success!Read the whole thank you here.
Spadefeet, and whiptails, and horns! Oh, my!by Robert Villa (, Tucson Herpetological Society Our Devonian and Mesozoic Neighbors We are fortunate to live in a vibrant and diverse barrio of people, art, food, community, and urban ecology. It’s not hard to miss... and be a part of! Even in our back yards, we host plants and animals native to our world-…