Call to Order (7:04pm)Sign-In: Karen green, Damian Rawoot, Lisa Scoblink, Mark G, Abra Bentley, Margie Donovan, Flor, Michael J McKisson, Faffs Riederer, Tim HagyardAny Changes needed for the December 2022 minutes? No changes requested, Dec minutes approvedTreasurer’s ReportNo changes, $743Discussions (720pm*) (30 min)New housing planned for 11th…
Call to Order 7:00 pmWho is present: Faffs, Mark G, Abra, Karen G, Lisa Scoblink, Natasha W, Sky Jacobs Ian Sansom CoT/DTM, Nicolas McCullough Pima CountySign-In, check in and greetings, What holiday smell is evocative for you?November 2022 Minutes. No changes needed on the minutes. ApprovedTreasurer’s Report. Abra. No changes since August, $722…
Who was present: Nat and Faffs, Karen G, Eddie Barron (Ward 1), Jonathon Crowe and Nate, Nicholas McCullosksi (Pima Co), Lisa Scoblink, Maxie Adler, Margie Donovan, Abra Bentley, Damian Rawoot, Abra, Mark Goehring (minute taker). Abra started as facilitator and handed off to Damian. Call to Order  (7pm*)  Sign-In: (7:05pm*) October minutes. No changes were suggested for the October…
Buy trees, get curb cuts, and info on water harvesting basin planning (Dec. 30th deadline), see details.
Call to Order (7:04pm*) Sign-In: What was your favorite halloween costume growing up? (7:05pm*) Faffs Kristy Stewart Jonathan Crowe Lisa Scoblink Gail Nat Brewster Nguyen Tom Margie Donivan Abra Any Changes needed for the September minutes? (715pm*) No Changes, september minutes adopted. Treasurer’s Report (715pm*) Abra was not present during this portion, so no treasurer's report this month…