1. Call to Order - 7:00 p.m. 2. Sign-In & Introductions 3. Treasurer's Report $1045.33 4. Announcements Karen Greene had a meeting with photographer, Becky Hendrick to take photo of houses built in 1921. This is for the map of Dunbar Spring’s historical houses. They have everything up to 1921. We have everything on the…
1. Call to Order 7:00 pm 2. Sign-In & Introductions: Christy Voelkel, Anna Cirell, Clay Morgan, Joanna Williams, Natasha Winnik, Lisa Scoblink, Bradford Trojan, Eneida Guerra de Lima, Ann Chanecka (City of Tucson Housing Dept), Joe Dorgan, Dale Warman, Mark G, Liz Morales (City of Tucson Housing Dept), Faffs Riederer, Iris Patten, Cedar Dale Warmen, Richard…
Implementation is planned for this winter, exact dates will be announced once we have the permits. Since 1996 this program has coordinated neighborhood & community volunteers to plant over 1,600 trees in the public rights-of-ways of the Dunbar/Spring neighborhood, along with hundreds of understory plants. These plantings are freely irrigated by rain and stormwater passively harvested within…
1. Call to Order: 7:05 p.m. 2. Sign-In & Introductions: Christy Voelkel, Anna Cirell, Clay Morgan, Joanna Williams, Natasha Winnik, Lisa Scoblink, Bradford Trojan, Faffs Riederer, Gail Toomey, Mark Goehring, Cedar Dale Warman, Richard Foster, Alana Tchirkine, Eneida Guerra de Lima, Andres Portela 3. Treasurer's Report: $1045.33; we owe…
1. Call to Order - 7:00 p.m. 2. Sign-In & Introductions a. Christy Voelkel, Anna Cirell, Clay Morgan, Joanna Williams, Natasha Winnik, Lisa Scoblink, Mark G, Jon Bauer, Cedar Warman, Alana Tchirkine, Margie Donovan, Richard Foster, Faffs Riederer, Eve Marie Hube, Christopher, Sky Jacobs, Kermit, Bradford Trojan b. Review of Robert’s Rules and meeting guidelines 3. Treasurer's Report: $…