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Conserve to Enhance

C2E-Written by Claire Zugmeyer

Hi Neighbors,

I know many of us do a lot to save water. Conserve2Enhance (C2E) is a simple program that helps you put your water conservation efforts to work for the environment, including the environment in our own neighborhood. The Tucson C2E program links your water conservation to riparian restoration projects in the Tucson area. To date over $55,000 has been spent on 7 community led riparian and urban wash enhancement projects. 

As a neighborhood, Dunbar/Spring can apply for C2E grants for rainwater harvesting along streets that serve as our water courses to restore the wash-like qualities of shade, flood attenuation, stormwater quality improvements, and habitat.

We have considered applying in the past, and may do so in the future. When we get more neighbors signed up as conservation participants, it reflects our engagement in grant applications and improves our chances for obtaining grants.

You can join the program by signing up on the C2E dashboard. Simply register your Tucson Water account number (ask your landlord for the number if you are renting) and the dashboard will track the results of your water conservation efforts, offer tips on saving water, and much more. You can elect to donate some of your financial savings to the C2E fund. You can also donate through your Tucson Water bill by writing in your donation amount in the "open space/riparian" box on your bill.

We have nearly nearly 1000 people that are either tracking their water savings with the dashboard or donating funds through their water bill. Join the Tucson C2E community today!

Let me know if you have any questions and if you sign up I can get you a "proud participant" magnet! Great for your car or fridge.

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