Neighborhood Meeting (Virtual)


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Meeting ID: 842 2122 8890
Passcode: 663137

Call to order (7PM)

  1. Attendance/Introduction question:
  2. Changes/approval of previous month’s minutes
  3. Treasurer’s report
  4. Announcements (external and internal)
  5. Discussion
  6. Introduction and Q & A from Tucson Police Department Community Resource Officer Karla Rubio (715)
  7. POSSIBLE VOTE to reprint neighborhood meeting signs (730)
  8. Report back from neighborhood survey - Karen (735)
  9. POSSIBLE VOTE - Downtown Links complaint letter - Sky (745)
  10. POSSIBLE VOTE - to write a letter about the library closing proposal (755)

Reports from the field

  1. DNARC (Downtown Neighborhoods and Residents Committee)
  2. Downtown Links
  3. Dunbar Coalition
  4. HFAC (Historic Fourth Avenue Coalition)
  5. Stone/Speedway
  6. Splinter Collective
  7. WAMO (Warehouse Arts Management Organization)
  8. For the good of the cause
  9. Adjourn: 8:00 PM