DSNA Meeting Minutes: January 2021 Meeting Minutes

Minutes Date

1. Call to Order 7:00 pm

2. Sign-In & Introductions: Christy Voelkel, Anna Cirell, Clay Morgan, Joanna Williams, Natasha Winnik, Lisa Scoblink, Bradford Trojan, Eneida Guerra de Lima, Ann Chanecka (City of Tucson Housing Dept), Joe Dorgan, Dale Warman, Mark G, Liz Morales (City of Tucson Housing Dept), Faffs Riederer, Iris Patten, Cedar Dale Warmen, Richard Foster, Margie Donovan

3. Treasurer's Report: $1040.33; we owe money to the Gloo Factory (about $80)

4. Announcements:

a. Karen’s Greene husband Dan Davis, just published a book of poetry, Shin Dagger

b. GPLET Ward 1 meeting was disappointing because there was no opportunity to ask questions or give input, or even feedback.

c. Virtual Zoning Examiner’s public hearing scheduled on Feb, 4, 2021 at 6pm,Feb. 4, 6:00pm. Go to zoning examiner’s website for link at https://www.tucsonaz.gov/files/clerks/uploads/bccfiles/Zoning_Examiner_…

5. Committee Reports

a. Stackhouse: vote to dissolve this committee. Moved, seconded, voted to dissolve (12/0)

b. 11th Ave.: see Discussion

6. Reports from the Field

a. DNARC: update of eviction assistance during COVID-19, County task force on evictions and homelessness prevention: https://webcms.pima.gov/UserFiles/Servers/Server_6/File/Government/Administration/CHHmemosFor%20Web/2020/December/Eviction%20and%20Homelessness%20Prevention%20Task%20Force.pdf

i. Major recommendation to streamline the process to get and give assistance

ii. Using Community Investment Corp to act as a pass-through agency to be able to spend the money faster - $ can be paid to landlords directly

b. Downtown Links: Stone Ave. will be closed through early March (www.downtownlinks.info)

c. Dunbar Coalition: Debi Chess resigned as of December 14, 2020.  She will remain as a consultant until the end of the fiscal year, June 2021. Lynn Sanders has been hired as a Development Director. Debi proposed that PICOR Management Team be hired to assist Roosevelt in managing the day-to-day operations at Dunbar.  Motion approved.

7. Discussion

a. Affordable Housing RFQ and RFP for 11th Ave. (Ann Chanecka with Dept. of Housing and Community Development) Working on three Ward 1 sites (Barrio Anita and Menlo Park as well as DS). Thanked DSNA as neighborhood design guidelines demonstrates focus, priority and community engagement. Also released a Request for Information (RFI) from developers, how to best make housing affordable, especially with rising construction costs. Hopes to put out Request for Proposal (RFP) this spring to help select developer for each site. We seem to have shared vision for long-term affordability, equity and an eye to climate change. Overall, responses were positive, but there was a concern that it would be difficult to meet guidelines and yet still be affordable. There might need to be some compromise. We did get several responses, which allows for competitiveness. Will take guidelines created by neighborhood and include as part of the scoring. Smaller developers need more time to put together proposal. We are working with U of A architectural class in creating innovative designs that might work in Dunbar development. Liz (liz.morales@tucsonaz.gov) added that this process is much more complex than she originally imagined. They are committed to holding as true as possible to most of our agreements, with a few minor adjustments. For example if we lease the land, it would be more difficult with deed restrictions, as contrasted to if the land was sold outright. There are very strict rules on confidentiality on the selection process. We could add neighbors to the committee to insure that the neighborhood would have input. Natasha added that it has always been a goal to work with U of A Design Build Program (hoping for three house designs). Dunbar is looking for 7-12 units all together. Mayor and Counsel has a new commission for equitable housing who will be hosting the first meeting on Feb. 3, 12-2pm, with call to audience.

b. Small WTF 4G/5G densification Tower Construction (Bradford bradfordtrojan@gmail.com. Resources and email template to send city: https://az4safetech.org/resources/). These towers are going up all over Tucson. The only one permitted in Dunbar Spring is going on the west side of 9th Ave between 1st & 2nd Street. First meeting with Ward 1 & 3 tomorrow to discuss solutions to address state bill that prohibits local governments from regulating telecommunications construction. We are working to get bill repealed this year. The towers put off too much radiant power for residential areas. There are very real issues separate from conspiracy theories. The letter we would like Dunbar to send to city will include language from http://az4safetech.org/solutions/. Cedar would like to add support for WTF 4G/5G towers. He read a great deal of the scientific research listed in the website in his field of biology and found the data to be out of date and not supported by other new research on the impact on health. Bradford agreed that it is not so much about health effects. Motion, seconded, and voted to send letter crafted with help from Bradford and DSNA stating opposition to WTFs in residential areas, and to request City to form committee on this matter to study and regulate WTFs. (7/4).

c. New DSNA Bank Account: 501C4 or fiscal sponsorship. Vote. Anna, Karen and Natasha have all done a great deal of research on seeking a bank for our neighborhood account. Now we need an EIN (employee identification number), file with IRS as a nonprofit (501C4) or find a fiscal sponsorship. An accountant said it would cost about $1000 to apply for being a non-profit. Previously we used the sponsorship of the Urban League. That relationship became strained, but there are other organizations such as Historic Fourth Avenue Coalition (HFAC) or Sustainable Tucson or Global Alliance, HFAC is willing to sponsor us, but no one is sure what the paperwork looks like. Motion, seconded and voted for a group to explore fiscal sponsorship with HFAC. (11/0)

d. Reid Park annexation: discussion and vote to write letter to support Broadmoor-Broadway Village Neighborhood Association’s letter to Mayor & Council concerning expanding zoo to take over 3.5 acres including the shaded pond. Neighbors feel that when voters approved the bond, the plans were not clear and there was no public process in the design nor any mention of expansion, only of “improvement.” Motion, seconded and voted that DSNA write letter to Mayor and Council opposing any current expansion, and any future expansion requires complete public process (12/0).

8. Moved and seconded and voted to approve December minutes (12/0).

9. Adjourn 8:36 p.m.