DSNA Meeting Minutes: January 2022 Meeting Minutes

Minutes Date

(Video of meeting: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WOlzeSemF2c)

OK to Record meeting? (ask for unanimous consent)
No objections to recording meeting

Call to Order and Poem  (7pm)
Faffs reads “Disappointed” by Paul Lawrence Dunbar.

Faffs Riederer
Cedar Warman
Christopher Rolls
Eneida Guerra De Lima
Abra Bentley
Karen G
Liz Morales
Ernesto Portillo
Ann Chanecka
Billy Smith
Virginia Miller
Jim Cook
Lisa Scoblink
Desert Ehrhart
Natasha Winnik
Margie Donovan

Approve Dec Minutes (710pm)
10 in favor
0 opposed
5 abstention
Minutes approved

Treasurer’s Report (715pm)
Still ~$960
Still working on bank account
Faffs asked Ward 1, haven’t heard back from them.

Announcements (716pm)
Faffs: Pruning 1.0 workshop Feb 12th at 9:00 am. More info on Dunbar/Spring website

Discussions (720pm) (20 min)

Ann Chanecka from City of Tucson Housing Services to talk about a Request for Proposals (RFP) for building housing on 11th Ave
Ann Chanecka, Liz Morales (director of housing and community development), Ernesto Portillo
In 2004 the city committed to work with Dunbar and advance housing at the 11th Ave site.
Mayor/Council adopted housing affordability strategy for Tucson. 75,000 households in city of Tucson are paying more than 30% of their income in housing. 
Ann hired consultant BAE Urban Economics (affordable housing experts).
Looked at zoning and neighborhood desires, along with what the developers want.
Did financial analysis and made a memo.
Moving forward with home ownership and not renting.
Some developers wanted rent-to-own. Ann proposes allowing this option because not enough low income people for affordable housing that can afford housing. 
3 different affordability mixes.
100% units for low income households at 80% area median income
½ units at 80% and ½ for households at 100% of median.
¾ at 80%, ¼ at 120% of median income. 
They think some 100$ median income housing required to offset “affordable” housing.
Developers profit margins are tight. 
Process for finding developer:
2-step process. 
First step is request for qualifications. Who is interested in site, what is their experience, what is their team?
State law says they can’t ask about price at this point.
Out of this step (if 3 developers or more) developers are short-listed to 3.
Second step is request for proposals. Three criteria
Timeline, developer’s financial backing to do projects
Liz says long term affordability is needed. Some mechanism will ensure the properties remain affordable.
Timeline: they’re hoping to get the first part step soon.
Karen: two questions 
1) Since the city owns the land, does that help profit margin?
Taken into account, profit margin still tight.
2) Request for proposals: do things have equal weight? Timeline has already been a long time, so maybe other parts like sustainability should be more important? Do we have any say or is it the city?
Liz answers that they’re taking into account what we want for the criteria and most of the timelines will probably be similar. 
Christopher: Wants definition of what defines workforce housing?
80% and lower of area of median income is low income.
100-120% area median income is workforce housing.
Natasha: Does the developer have to apply for both Menlo Park and Dunbar or can they pick?
Run as separate procurement processes, can apply to one or both.
Natasha: Neighbo4rhood representation on committee?
Working with the ward office still but yes.
Faffs: is splitting lots a possibility?
Because the goal is affordable home ownership, lot will be split up, yes there’s options for splitting the lots into smaller lots.
Faffs: followup, could firm propose to develop one part of the property?
Liz: encouraging smaller developers to participate. 
Karen: As part of the request for proposals, will there be opportunities for more people than just those on the committee to hear about the proposals?
They’re still in discussions about that. Procurement process is supposed to be confidential according to state.
Liz says Ann tried to have public meetings but seems like it’s not happening.
Ernesto says developers will be scored on outreach plans.
Housing Affordability Strategy for Tucson: https://housingaffordability.tucsonaz.gov/
​​The Memorandum and other information on advancing affordable housing here at this website: https://www.tucsonaz.gov/hcd/advancing-affordable-housing

Traffic Calming to deal with cut through traffic - Christopher Rolls (740) (10 min)
Christopher has expressed concern about traffic with construction around the neighborhood.
People are driving too fast.
Should we write a letter?
Closure of Main is supposed to be done soon.
Karen: do local traffic only signs help?
Christopher thinks they help.
Dominic: Agrees.
Faffs: follow up with city contacts.
Natasha says to reach out to Austin Attebury
Karen asks: if you do individual letter then see if it is improved, maybe at next meeting there can be a vote for letter from Dunbar/Spring neighborhood association.

Forming a committee to update bylaws for the internet age (750) (10 min)
Allow the DSNA to use email in place of snail mail (to save money and time)
Faffs: Some things in bylaws require mailing things out to all residents. Faffs proposes making committee to look at changing things to email. Request for volunteers for labor over the next month to propose changes to the bylaws
Sky: Changing bylaws is a giant pain.
Faffs: need to send out proposed change to all houses. Use city-funded annual newsletter?
Karen: not everyone has email, we should do mailing for at least annual meeting.
Chris volunteers, Sky says he will review.
Discuss recording virtual meetings

Committee Reports (800)
11th Ave (Plots of vacant land behind Salvation Army)
Covered above.

Reports from the Field 

Karen: Last meeting they had Andy Squire from City of Tucson. They wanted to know why the city is having events during COVID. No health requirementsrequirments for public events. Governor has limited what a city can do re: COVID. 
HSL developer that did Flynn apartments wants to do upscale senior housing. 
La Frontera working on affordable housing. 
Prince/Stone there’s affordable housing development to look at for inspiration.
Pascua Yaqui Tribe moving forward with casino. 

Neighborhood Foresters
Pruning classes mentioned above

Historic Fourth Ave Coalition (HFAC)
Natasha: two surveys, one posted on Dunbar forum for what is working/not working in community. Second is for businesses. Going to take feedback from surveys to have a charrette on Sunday, February 13th and then look for support from grants/City of Tucson to implement changes.
Questions from Chris: is survey still open:? Answer: yes.

Dunbar Coalition
Sent to listserv.

Barrio Neighborhood Coalition
Karen: not on this coalition anymore. Might write letter in support of neighborhood that was annexed with promise for low density, but city wants high density. 
Karen proposes removing this from the agenda because she can’t attend meetings.

Downtown Links
Karen: no email updates. 

Adjourn (810)
Faffs says annual elections are in April. People should think about participating.
Faffs moves to adjourn, approved.
General Discussion if we want

The Chat:
From Lisa Scoblink to Everyone 07:00 PM
I'm not feeling well, may leave early.
From Lisa Scoblink to Everyone 07:05 PM
827 n ninth
From temp to Everyone 07:05 PM
948 N 10th
From Lisa Scoblink to Everyone 07:05 PM
From temp to Everyone 07:06 PM
Niko Roswell
From Kermit to Everyone 07:06 PM
From Christopher Rolls to Everyone 07:09 PM
Sadly, no.
From Margie Donovan to Everyone 07:09 PM
948 perry
From Desert Ehrhart They/Them to Everyone 07:09 PM
hi,  i live at 48 w 4th st on the corner of 9th
From Lisa Scoblink to Everyone 07:09 PM
From Me to Everyone 07:10 PM
From Karen G to Everyone 07:11 PM
When people are ready, I make a motion to approve the Dec. minutes.
From Desert Ehrhart They/Them to Everyone 07:12 PM
From Karen G to Everyone 07:13 PM
With Desert I counted 10
From Matt to Everyone 07:13 PM
From Margie Donovan to Everyone 07:13 PM
abstain margie
From Natasha Winnik to Everyone 07:13 PM
From temp to Everyone 07:14 PM
Abstain Niko
From Jim Cook Western National Parks Association to Everyone 07:14 PM
From Ann Chanecka, City of Tucson Housing to Everyone 07:31 PM
Housing Affordability Strategy for Tucson: https://housingaffordability.tucsonaz.gov/
The Memorandum and other information on advancing affordable housing here at this website: https://www.tucsonaz.gov/hcd/advancing-affordable-housing
From Ann Chanecka, City of Tucson Housing to Everyone 07:40 PM
Thanks all! My contact info is ann.chanecka@tucsonaz.gov
From Ernesto Portillo to Everyone 07:40 PM
From Karen G to Everyone 07:44 PM
Did folks think the Local Traffic only signs work before?
It seems like we should be able to ask for that.
From Natasha Winnik to Everyone 07:46 PM
Austin Attebury is the best person to reach out to
From Karen G to Everyone 07:51 PM
One thing to remember is that not everyone has either access to a computer/email and/or is on the email list.  So I would definitely want to be sure we still do the mailing for the annual meeting at least.
From Lisa Scoblink to Everyone 07:58 PM
sent to listserve
From temp to Everyone 08:02 PM
thank you