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Community Garden

We will meet at the Neighborhood Garden, at the corner of 11th Avenue and University and work throughout the neighborhood.  Dumpsters will be located at: BICAS parking lot, Dunbar School Parking Lot, and along 1st Street between 9th Avenue and Perry Avenue.  Please come out and help for this event, it will be a last push to get everything looking spiffy for the Neighborhood Tour.  …
Meet at the corner of 11th Avenue and University Boulevard.  We will focus on this intersection and up to the intersection of 11th Ave and 2nd Street.  Please join us, all are welcome for this cleanup.  If you plan to attend, please bring yard tools, a hat, gloves, and a filled reusable water bottle.  If anyone has a weedeater, please get in touch with Ezra to discuss.
The 4th Annual Easter Egg Hunt at the Dunbar/Spring Community Garden, Mini-Nature Park, and Dunbar playground was a huge success!Lots of families from within Dunbar/Spring and beyond participated. And the Purple Tree Food Truck added to all the amazing pot luck fare.Big thanks to Chi and Rodd Lancaster for organizing the event and for getting the space cleaned up and ready for it all!  
Potluck at the Dunbar/Spring Community Garden and Nature Park every second and fourth Wed. at around 5pm or a little later.Bring a dish to share. Everyone welcome.
In order to prepare the garden for the Easter Egg Hunt, we will clean up the garden Friday afternoon. We would appreciate if you can help us getting ready for the event.Garden clean-up will begin 4pm on 4/18, Friday. We will provide refreshment for everyone's hard work! We hope to see you!
Dear families and friends, We are planning to have the annual Egg Hunt at DunbarSpring Community Garden. If you can join us, that would be wonderful.Date/Time: April 19, Saturday9:30am hide eggs10:00am start hunting (3 and under in playground, 4 and over in garden)Place: DunbarSpring Community Garden (Northwest corner at University Blvd and 11th St.) We will prepare about 150 eggs (…
We plan to have a meeting to discuss the future plans for the garden. This will include discussing benefits and drawbacks of the way the space has been used as well as current plans for the space going forward. You will find different people have different plans, and we would like to hear your ideas and concerns too.The potluck will start at 5, after school and work. Sunset is a little before…
Over the Summer, with a small grant and help from Ironwood Tree Experience (and many neighborhood volunteers), a group of residents was able to fix several serious and ongoing issues plaguing the community garden.Our initial efforts were to clean up garbage, weeds, and invasive bermuda grass. Our second effort was to fix irrigation problems. We spent a very long day digging trenches and replacing…
When: This Saturday, August 3 at 7:30 in the morning (until about 10:30 or 11am) Where: Dunbar/Spring Community Garden Enjoy a Saturday morning with neighbors helping to keep the famous Dunbar/Spring Garden in good shape! Put in new irrigation lines for fruit and other trees at the Community Garden. We received a small grant from Ironwood Tree Experience to buy irrigation supplies to upgrade our…
The Dunbar/Spring community garden. Featuring garden plots, fruit trees, native vegetation, and a covered hang-out area, this is shady sanctuary for wildlife and neighbors. There is also a playground and basketball court. Dunbar/Spring Community Garden