April 2013

Minutes Date

1. Call to Order – Meeting called to order 7:30 pm.

2. Sign in and Introductions

3. Treasurer Report – No report. Assume balance has not changed.

4. Announcements

Diana Rhoades of Ward 1 announces that the Downtown Links deck park subcommittee met today and reviewed two possible designs presented by Wheat Scharf. They include a possible grass section, reusing elements from demolished buildings, rainwater harvesting, and shade structures. There is a possibility of Whistle Stop swapping Perry Ave with the city for more grass space. The next meeting is tentatively on April 29, and the subcommittee will report back to the CAC on May 13. The development agreement with Town West for the Franklin docks still exists although council members Romero and Kozachik have asked for it to be cancelled, so the city is still trying to find a way to work with them.

Diana also announces a meeting for planning Joaquin Murietta Park on April 30, 6 – 7:30 pm, at El Rio Neighborhood Center.

Karen Greene announces that the Main Library has a food for fines program: you can bring canned food in exchange for up to $10 off library fines. They are starting a little free library in the Community Food Bank, and are planning a DIY skill share day in late September. The next Cyclovia is on April 28, volunteers are needed!

Turtle announces that the Pie Party is on May 5, 3 – 7 pm. It’s a pie potluck this year, so bring a pie or pay $12 to enter. Everyone who brings a pie gets to vote on the recipient of the proceeds.

5. Discussion

(a) El Paso Greenway Crossing of Downtown Links – Tom Fisher wrote us explaining the reasons for placing the crossing east of the driveway of the storage facility: ADOT’s area of influence extends to the railroad alignment and ADOT requested that no signal be placed there, the proximity to the frontage road signal and the blind curve may result in cars speeding through the intersection and not stopping in time, and the crossing cannot be in the middle of the driveway of the storage facility. We understand the first two reasons and that it cannot be placed at the old railroad alignment, but we still don’t feel like the driveway question has been adequately addressed. We would like to know if the crossing can be placed west of the driveway and still be far enough from the frontage road intersection. Diana Rhoades says that she will ask Tom next time she sees him.

(b) Form CAT Committee – There was a meeting about the Ironwood Tree Experience Community Action Toolkit. The coordinators want the project to be primarily directed by youth in the neighborhood. There are only a few teens in the neighborhood that we can think of, and they don’t really know each other. They may try to stay involved with Anthony Johnson, although there are uncertainties about his potential for involvement. Next meeting we will vote to form a CAT subcommittee.

Next, Daniela Diamente arrives to present information and gather input on the Deck Park. Wheat Scharf presented two draft concepts at the meeting. Concept 1 is more square, industrial, and “civic”. It involves salvaged materials, native vegetation, and planters. The bike pathway will be closed to car traffic but accessible to food trucks for special occasions. Large art and child friendly installations are a possibility. There may be room for vegetation between the pathway and east edge of the deck if this is desired. Concept 2 is more fluid and “backyard like”. It is terraced, has turf, child friendly and local/neighborhood art, shade structures, and can also have room for food trucks. Having a fenced dog park would be difficult because the entire deck park is smaller than the smallest fenced section of a dog park in the city.

Some of our feedback includes support for some grass, having a barrier on the west edge, perhaps artistic metal work, terracing, no fences for an off-leash dog area, and possibly a dog poop composting system. Also, Brad Lancaster mentions that he would like to see the bike path go through the middle of the park, less decomposed granite and more organic mulch, shade structures that are also art or even solar panels (make it the city’s first solar park!), soft organic mulch below play equipment, keeping grass to an easily mowable area, and avoiding sand which may be used as a litter box. He would like to see some visual representation of the buried drainage way.

6. Annual Report

There is no annual report, per se, but we reflect on some of this past year’s accomplishments: finishing the reinvestment grant is the major one. The chess table has seen a good amount of use, and one neighborhood kid is looking for other chess players to play with. The Gila monster is a hit, although not enough people realize it is a bench. There was a film crew in the neighborhood earlier in the week, and lots of people checking things out and getting inspired. Still to do: get the garden back on track.

7. Elections

Ian Fritz nominates the slate: Sky Jacobs for president, Ian Fritz for vice president, Harold Thomas for secretary, Gail Toomey for treasurer, and Vince Pawlowski for parliamentarian.

There are 12 votes: 11 for the slate and 1 abstention. Congrats to our newly elected officers.

8. Committee Reports

(a) Downtown Links – No news that hasn’t already been covered.

(b) Neighborhood Garden – Terry Pawlowski presents the garden status report. 6 plots are rented, with 4 being donated. The bill from last month is $200 due to a leak, and they currently only have $6. The irrigation system likely needs to be redone at some point because it has passed the end of its expected life and is blowing out in places. Rent is not cutting it, at least with the current number of plots rented, and they are losing people because of the homeless problem. We discuss advertising open plots to surrounding neighborhoods and exploring a partnership with the Community Food Bank’s Caridad House. For now, they will consolidate to one valve, but they will need help with bills. Next month, Terry will bring us a current bill and we can vote.

(c) Dunbar Coalition – John Hudson is now president. They have installed a new wrought-iron closure for the door to Main. The charter school is currently trying to adjust to the new core standards. They are planning a yard sale for the weekend after Fathers’ Day.

9. Approval of Minutes from March – Minutes approved unanimously, save one abstention.

10. Adjourn – Meeting adjourned 9:30 pm.