August, 2014

Minutes Date

Treasurer’s Report: Same as of last month $765.73


• The Sunday evening films violated the noise ordinance. For fun the TEP substation site was measured for noise output as well. Tucson law permits 62 db in residential areas, and the TEP area was measure at 76 db. Alexander will follow up with Ward 1 office.

• The library is having a variety of programs coming up – Sat. Aug. 30th – Banish Bugs the Natural Way from 1-3 plus cooking classes using items in season and other gardening talks. Karen will post flyers on the neighborhood e-mail list.

• Concern about trees being pruned in the right of way that are in front of people’s houses and the owner of the tree/house has other thoughts on how much pruning is needed. This will be an agenda item for next month.

• Barbara Warren – Physicians for Social Responsibility talked about the Neighborhood Resilience Organization. This is a follow up to last month’s presentation. The Climate Smart Southwest Project will provide a resource guide for the community. They are currently training facilitators to train others in neighborhood resilience. A bibliography and materials are available on their website at (on the left side menu, select work groups, then community)


Pedestrian Safety and Comfort Bond Proposal from Living Streets Alliance. They don’t have a list of projects yet, but some projects could include crosswalks and shade on Main Ave between Speedway and St. Mary’s. The decision for what projects to work on would come from the community. Motion to write a letter of support for the idea in concept for the LSA bond proposal for $25 million in pedestrian safety. Passed 10-0

Committee Reports

DNARC – report submitted separately – highlights are: meeting will happen for interested groups concerned with westside development before presentation to Mayor and Council; boutique hotel proposed for West University neighborhood along Euclid behind Geronimo building – would knock down three historic buildings.

Downtown Links – field trip taken to look at building at 7th St. and Ferro. It is possible to make the north side of the road narrower to save the building. However, in looking at this it was noted that the road will be seven feet above grade at that point, so it would make it difficult to access the building. The staff hasn’t given the committee enough information to make good decisions and/or the committee doesn’t realize if they select a certain pathway, then that will mean a building needs to be knocked down. It turns into historic buildings vs. bike paths. Any time after August 25th the Orange Juice building, Mat Bevel’s building and 15 E. 6th St. could be demolished. It does not appear at this time that ADOT is interested in helping us salvage any of the historic material used in those buildings. The 90% drawings were due in mid-September but they have been pushed back.

Garden – Vince will file a complaint re: homeless man who return again and again to sleep in the playground and garden area after they have been asked to leave. We will look at putting in water lines for a few plots in the fall.

Dunbar Coalition – No report

Motion to approve July minutes passed 10-0.

Adjourn at 8:02 p.m.