August 2020 Meeting Minutes

Minutes Date

1. Call to Order 7:04 pm

2. Sign-In & Introductions: Anna Cirell, Clay Morgan, Christy Voelkel, Nathasha Winnik, Joanna Williams, Beth Alpert Nakhai, Mark G, Karen G, Lisa Scoblink, Gail, Ravi Grivois-Shah

3. Treasurer's Report: $1045.33

4. Announcements

● Dr. Ravi Grivois-Shah: neighborhood associations are fundamental to building community, running for TUSD board, looking for feedback. Wants to make sound decisions to safely educate our children and to promote racial equity: doctor at front line response at TMC. For more information, see

● Morgan Maxwell passing, it would be a nice gesture for our neighborhood to make a donation in his name to the Dunbar Coalition. (put on next agenda to discuss and vote)

● Committee Reports

o DNARC—a few folks met in person, discussed StackHouse, and will invite City, County, and faith-based groups who are really helping those in need

o Downtown Links—pre-construction meeting on Wednesday at 5:30-6:30 PM (Microsoft link is here) Downtown Links Meeting Link claiming construction is starting

o Dunbar Coalition— Vision Quest out, looking for a new tenant, looking into new board member. Tucson Urban League will use space at school for a one-year minimum. Remodeling of auditorium to begin in October. Looking into liability as well as what we need to do before Idea School re-opens. Long time, original board member Morgan Maxwell passed away. Services to be announced.

o Neighborhood Foresters—no new trees have been planted in front of school (Clay will look into it); house going on market has put rocks/gravel that inhibits walkability

o 11th Ave—Postponed for next month.

● Discussion 7:27 p.m.

o Stackhouse / Community Benefits (Stone and First)—Wants four things that could become part of the Community Benefits agreement to help hold developers accountable for what they promise: planning six stories, asking for parking reduction (not even one parking place per unit) wanting greater density, modify landscaping (we would like trees, for instance). They are asking for GPLET (tax reduction for eight years which will make units more affordable) and not pay any development fees. Union on Fourth Ave will help us with the language since they have already gone through the GPLET process. We would like to support every new development with a Community Benefits agreement. Some interesting details: the containers come from a factory in Texas that have been used once to ship electronics, buildings adhere to strict San Francisco code, you can buy one of these units and pay monthly rent (utilities/solar power), and minimum five-year lease. They want to build worldwide so you can move unit to another city. Follow “tiny house standards” of 320 square feet. Parking stacking unit that stacks cars. 50% of development has already been reserved. 10 homes / floor and hospitality rooms. Anna and Natasha will draft a list of negotiables for Community Benefits Agreement and present at the next meeting.

o Development at loading docks.—(Tom Warne) (Postponed until next month.)

o GPLET moratorium request from BNC (Barrio Neighborhood Coalition)—The State says that you have to review central business districts every few years and the due date is in October for a vote by City. Staff came up with an expanded map (including downtown corridor into Barrio Blue Moon and Barrio Anita). Requires that areas be designated as a “slum” area to warrant reinvestment. There were a lot of empty buildings on Congress that qualified in the area. It is sensitive to classify areas as “slums,” because then the City can condemn buildings that may not necessarily be slums and take them by eminent domain (they didn’t give percentages per block). We don’t want to have the “urban renewal” that happened in the sixties around the Convention Center. They possibly are talking about 4000 lots that could qualify. The problem with GPLETs is that there is zero accountability and the developers get all the benefits, and it can lead to gentrification and rising rents.. If the City gives a GPLET, they are deciding in favor of new businesses, which harms established businesses that do not get tax breaks and in fact may have to pay more to compensate for loss in total property taxes for the community. While the Stone Stackhouse is looking for a GPLET, it is a lot smaller scale. The request is to have neighborhood associations and individuals sign the moratorium, especially during COVID19 (9/0 motion passed to sign Barrio Neighborhood Coalition letter)

o TEP transmission line update (10 m.)—Not really affecting our neighborhood, but through other historical neighborhoods. Planning 110 foot rusty metal poles. Routes are planned according to number of comments, so we are encouraged to go to website, look at maps, write comments which need to be written by September 15.

o Updates on Landscaping in ROW at church/lofts at 10th Ave and 4th Street—A letter was drafted and delivered, and the owners (Alex) have since modified landscaping somewhat, but still haven’t cleared right of way. Tone is pleasant; the owners realize that landscaping was a bad mistake. Clay and Natasha will continue to work with them.

o Update on Citizen Warehouse Artist Evictions—There has been another meeting(Land Santa Cruz) no one will get evicted if they don’t have somewhere to go, maybe CARES Act might help cover moving costs, City is fast-tracking to have WAMO purchase building. Waiting to see what TDOT brings back. They will not budge on having people move for safety issues, but the artists would be able to move back.

o Update Lighting at Sahara—Clay spoke with the office manager, dropped off a letter that would be given to the property manager, and will follow up this month.

● Approve June and July minutes (7/0, two abstaining)

● Adjourn 8:21 p.m.