December 2013

Minutes Date

1. Call to Order – 7:07pm

2. Sign in and Introductions

3. Treasurer Report – Balance has not changed: 1,415.71

4. Announcements

(a) Tree planting – went well 7 trees planted in total. Next year funds might be available to drill curb cuts/holes – might only be $40-$65.

(b) January DSN meeting on January 27, 2014 not the 20th due to MLK day.

(c) Signs – officially posted. Brad wants to be reimbursed a total of $130.31 via vote at January 27, 2014 DSN meeting. Signs are placed at the fish/lizard sculptures, 4 ‘rules’ signs in the community garden, and one sign at the mural at 9th and University.

(d) Web hosting and domain name – Sky wants to be reimbursed via vote at January 27, 2014 meeting.

(e) Garden structure exposed to pigeons – Vote in January to reimburse Ezra for hardware cloth to cover underside of roof of garden shelter to keep pigeons from roosting ($250)

(f) Pancake breakfast – Success! For next time, music/porchfest should be closer in time to end of pancakes; music associated w/ pancake breakfast should be continuous. Porchfest is intended to move into other communities, we want to share experiences with other neighborhoods. Overall such a success because of many groups involved.

(g) Sonja – Shared experiences of her family in the neighborhood. Addressed that homeless are being pushed out of neighborhood, as rooms are open at Salvation Army, but not for women.

(h) New Year’s Party – at Alexander’s corner – Queen and University.

(i) Urbanite – free near garden

(j) Bufflegrass removal – January 25, 2014 11:30-2:30. This event will promote plant identification, utilize neighborhood stewards, may include some plantings, and possibly include the planting of a variety of chollas (different colors could be planted by block?)

5. Discussion

(a) Art – Jody Netzer with Tucson Arts Brigade. Original artist Joe is willing to do something that captures the original while giving new art piece.

(b) Block Party - desire to do something twice a year. Possibly associated with tree planting and/or mesquite milling. In order to make events sustainable it is important to attract new leadership, so that it is not always the same people planning the events. Planning of events needs to start earlier to get more partnerships, etc. Possible partners include churches, the Salvation Army, members of congregations.

(c) Map/walking tour – ideas and templates were brainstormed (i.e. google – Murmer Toronto or story mapping, tenderloin forest – SF neighborhood). Possibly capture the history on audio that is linked to a tour. Will keep an eye out for funding for the project. Would like to add this to the DSN website. Troy and Zach gathered stories for the crossroads, DSN could get this information. Emma (stage coach house) has an album of neighborhood history.) Chinese cultural center – Dunbar had lots of Asian markets (Brad has tried to get these locations.) Quereshi Family may have a copy of the video Piper did many years ago. If anyone wants to begin collecting business information that would be great as the business are one reason why the neighborhood history is so rich.

(d) Abandonment – House on Perry has not been lived in for 30 yrs (between 2nd and University.) Complaints on file with landlord to fix it up, so far nothing has happened. Possibly contact Regina Romero about blight in neighborhood. On the upside the church between 1st and 2nd has been renovated.

6. Committee Reports

(a) Downtown Links – Nothing to report.

(b) Neighborhood Garden – A work party is needed to finish the irrigation for the park. We may be able to get a water-harvesting speed hump to irrigate native plant area. Need to set date for work party. Brad available until 1/15/14 or in March, possible date for work party could be March 8, 2014.

(c) Dunbar Coalition – Brad and Terry met with Dunbar last month. DSN owed $673.79. Desert harvesters donated $323.79 to pay towards bill, there was $150 available from the garden budget, and a vote for the remaining amount will be on the January 27, 2014 meeting agenda as a vote (likely around $190).

9. Approval of Minutes from November – Unanimously approved

10. Adjourn –Adjourned at 8:55pm