December 2016

Minutes Date

Treasurer’s Report – Currently all neighborhood money is located at Tucson Old Pueblo Credit Union $1446.01. The Urban League has indicated we are always welcome to use their account in the future if we want.  


David Lesser ( is the Steinfeld representative to WAMO (Warehouse Arts Management Organization). Since David lives in the neighborhood as well, he will report back to us about these meetings. WAMO received a loan to refurbish 12 artist studios in Steinfeld and the certificate of occupancy is complete. There is a question as to what happens to the lease on the Citizen’s Warehouse as construction of the road and timing of lease runs out. Xerocraft is open to everyone on Thursdays and Saturdays

Karen Greene participated in the parade of lights and tossed out the suggestion of the neighborhood creating a float of sorts for next year. Someone else will need to organize this if the neighborhood wants to pursue this idea.

The city program to put homeless people to work ended up in our neighborhood where plants on various chicanes were decimated, especially at 2nd St and 10th Ave. Brad and Sky art trying to figure out the chain of command for this project to ensure this doesn’t happen again. There is hope there can be some kind of training as to which plants are native and should stay and which are weeds to be pulled for any future visits by this group.

The likelihood that the Salvation Army and volunteers from Caridad working with us on a cleanup/training session along 1st street in January is small to non-existent. However, Dunbar Coalition is organizing a cleanup in January, so we might be able to work on this stretch along with them.

A small group is going to start planning a spring dinner under the stars for the neighborhood. If you are interested in helping out contact Ezra.




Came with drawings and plans to put their antenna on a TEP power pole located behind the student apartments at University/Stone on the north side of the street. According to Verizon, you won’t see it when you turn into the neighborhood from Stone or at the traffic circle at 9th Ave/University.  They are replacing a wood pole (36 feet) with a steel pole (46 feet) which is the same height as the apartments. The antennas are encased. The equipment needed will be behind a wall that will look like the apartments. 

TEP owns the pole – only one carrier is allowed/pole and it will be Verizon

We requested a view from Stone/University

They took out the backup generator – Verizon will just send out a tech person if the power goes out

You can look here for information about RF emissions from cell stations: and the World Health Organization has also conducted studies on RF health effects

The canister at the top of the pole is 10 feet tall and 8 feet wide

Question about why locating here when the neighborhood is not interested – there are a lot of users in the area and they need to ensure they have capacity as more users join as well as wanting to download more (movies, date, etc.)

Question about Verizon building this across Stone but there were not able to come to an agreement with the owner of the property.

We requested to see a list of other locations that have similar poles – Verizon will take photos and e-mail them to Ezra.

There are still concerns about the radiation effects as well as the concern of the stress of thinking/worrying about radiation effects on residents.

Verizon will be applying for an administrative process in January.  They are not required by the city to have a neighborhood meeting.  The city will review the application and if Verizon meets all of the city code requirements, the permit CAN’T be denied.  Verizon hopes to have tower built by end of 2017.

Neighbor David L. brought up other side of RF emissions indicating he works with them and studies have shown they are safe

Mixed reviews about whether cell towers impact property values

Neighborhood will request Verizon to provide some sort of concessions to the neighborhood since there is such strong opposition.

TEP gives the list of which poles Verizon is allowed to use – discussion about moving this further south where there are other industrial type poles/transformers already.

Neighborhood will look at letter of requests we had sent before to see if we can ask for similar items this time around.  There is a lot less leverage since this not a rezoning process.

Sahara Property

There was a plan for the Sahara to work on landscaping along 9th Ave, but it hasn’t happened yet. 

Motion to draft a letter to the Sahara Apartments about overgrown plants and ponding water in the right of way.  9-Yes, 1 Abstain

Lorraine will proof letter before it gets sent.  

Curb Coring

Brad is working on this project.  Jan. 21, 2017 neighbors will work with a local contractor to cut 4-inch curb core holes to direct street runoff to tree basins.  We will hold a cleanup the week before. 

If you are interested in participating there is a $30 per core hole plus $50 permit fee and a barricade fee.  The barricade fee will vary depending on how many holes are being dug/block.  Contact Omar at 425-9795 or Brad at for questions or to sign up.  Need to sign up by January 1, 2017.

Motion to give Brad Lancaster authority to write a letter to the city regarding a reduction in the curb cut permit fee.  8-Yes, 2 abstain

Neighborhood Logo update

Question about updating the logo so it is scalable and will work as a digital format.

Need to decide what kinds of things we want in a logo.

If we ask neighborhood artists to work on this, should there be a stipend and if so how much?

Is there interest in pursuing this?

Natasha will contact the artist she worked with for the current logo to see if she has the digital file and can make it scalable

If you are interested in ordering one of the blue t-shirts from the home tour, please contact Ezra asap – we need a minimum of 10 orders (already have two)

Committee Reports

DNARC – no meeting in December.  Karen still working with small subgroup to discuss affordability in the downtown neighborhoods.  In January reps from both the Pima County Land Trust and Southern Arizona Land Trust will discuss their programs for the committee.  If it seems appropriate, Karen will also invite one or both groups to a future neighborhood meeting.

Downtown Links – Tom Fisher from City Dept. of Transportation will come to our January meeting

Garden – Plants are growing.

Dunbar Coalition – no update

Speedway/Stone – Trader Joe’s is still considering this area but have not responded to our letter

11th Ave Parcel – grant was not approved.  Glenn from City Planning Dept will be in touch in January

Walkability – no update  

Motion to approve November 2016 minutes.  8 Yes, 2 abstain