DSNA Meeting Minutes: April 2024
Call to order: 7:15pm
Attendance/Introduction question: Favorite wildflower? Christy Stewart, Karen Greene, Faffs Reiderer, Nicholas McCullough (District 5), Natasha Winnik, Joanna Williams, Sky Jacobs, Violet, Sula,
Changes/approval of previous month’s minutes: approved
Treasurer’s report: $663
Announcements (external and internal)
- Board of Supervisors meeting 4/15 9am
- Earth Day Apr 20, Santa Cruz River Clean Up 802 N Riverside Dr 9-12pm
- Budget for La Gente Participatory Budget: $20,000 for organizing events; Please vote for ours (https://pbstanford.org/2024-tucson-ward1-downtown)
Faffs Reiderer Nominated Violet Vreeland for President. No other nominations. A brief discussion clarifying age for participatory members according to by-laws, and found no issue as to eligibility and no disagreement. (7 Yes, 1 abstention)
Faffs Reiderer nominated himself for Vice President. No other nominations. 6 yes, 1 no, 1 abstention)
Karen Greene nominated Christy Stewart for secretary. No other nominations. (7 yes, 1 no)
Karen Greene nominated self as Parliamentarian. Joanna would be happy to serve as substitute. No other nominations. (7 yes)
Karen Greene nominated Sky Jacobs as Treasurer. No other nominations. (7 yes, 1 no)
Reports from the field:
- DNARC (Downtown Neighborhoods and Residents Committee)
- Downtown Links: Dunbar Coalition
- HFAC (Historic Fourth Avenue Coalition)
- Stone/Speedway
- Splinter Collective:
- WAMO (Warehouse Arts Management Organization)
- For the good of the cause - none
Adjourn: 7:38pm