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DSNA Meeting Minutes: August 2024

Minutes Date

(Video of meeting)

Call to order (7PM)

Attendance/Introduction question: Sky Faffs Karen Violet Glenn Natasha Dustin Ian Sansom- COT Nicholas NcCullough- Pima County District 5, Adelita Grijalva’s office Thomas Gail

  1. Changes/approval of previous month’s minutes: approved
  2. Treasurer’s report: No changes. $663.28
  3. Announcements (external and internal)
    1. Memo from Pima county… Main library may be closing. Lots of other library changes.
    2. Faffs will share the building plans for the new gas station on stone and speedway
  4. Discussion
    1. Norte/Sur Update - Monica Landgrave-Serrano, Dept of Transportation and Mobility, City of Tucson. Report is coming out in 3 weeks, seeking public comment.
    2. Possible vote to reprint neighborhood meeting signs (730). Karen will ask for the cost for 5 and 10 signs from the Gloo Factory
    3. Write a letter encouraging city to pay for at least quarterly mailings (735)
      1. Motion to write a letter asking the city to sponsor at least quarterly meeting
      2. Yes 8
      3. No 0
      4. Motion passes
    4. Discussion of possible fall activity - Halloween possibly (740)
    5. Tucson Police have offered to attend our meeting. Would we like to invite them to our meetings? Invite to attend next meeting... people don't want them at every meeting. (750)
    6. Block Pals - Faffs, let’s make phone maps for our streets, for emergencies (755)
    7. Report back from neighborhood survey - Karen 8pm
  5. Reports from the field
    1. DNARC (Downtown Neighborhoods and Residents Committee)
    2. Downtown Links
    3. Dunbar Coalition
    4. HFAC (Historic Fourth Avenue Coalition)
    5. Stone/Speedway
    6. Splinter Collective
    7. WAMO (Warehouse Arts Management Organization)
    8. For the good of the cause
  6. Adjourn: 8:00 PM