DSNA Meeting Minutes: August 2024
Minutes Date
Call to order (7PM)
Attendance/Introduction question: Sky Faffs Karen Violet Glenn Natasha Dustin Ian Sansom- COT Nicholas NcCullough- Pima County District 5, Adelita Grijalva’s office Thomas Gail
- Changes/approval of previous month’s minutes: approved
- Treasurer’s report: No changes. $663.28
- Announcements (external and internal)
- Memo from Pima county… Main library may be closing. Lots of other library changes.
- Faffs will share the building plans for the new gas station on stone and speedway
- Discussion
- Norte/Sur Update - Monica Landgrave-Serrano, Dept of Transportation and Mobility, City of Tucson. Report is coming out in 3 weeks, seeking public comment.
- Possible vote to reprint neighborhood meeting signs (730). Karen will ask for the cost for 5 and 10 signs from the Gloo Factory
- Write a letter encouraging city to pay for at least quarterly mailings (735)
- Motion to write a letter asking the city to sponsor at least quarterly meeting
- Yes 8
- No 0
- Motion passes
- Discussion of possible fall activity - Halloween possibly (740)
- Tucson Police have offered to attend our meeting. Would we like to invite them to our meetings? Invite to attend next meeting... people don't want them at every meeting. (750)
- Block Pals - Faffs, let’s make phone maps for our streets, for emergencies (755)
- Report back from neighborhood survey - Karen 8pm
- Reports from the field
- DNARC (Downtown Neighborhoods and Residents Committee)
- Downtown Links
- Dunbar Coalition
- HFAC (Historic Fourth Avenue Coalition)
- Stone/Speedway
- Splinter Collective
- WAMO (Warehouse Arts Management Organization)
- For the good of the cause
- Adjourn: 8:00 PM