DSNA Meeting Minutes: December 2022 Meeting Minutes
Call to Order 7:00 pm
Who is present: Faffs, Mark G, Abra, Karen G, Lisa Scoblink, Natasha W, Sky Jacobs Ian Sansom CoT/DTM, Nicolas McCullough Pima County
Sign-In, check in and greetings, What holiday smell is evocative for you?
November 2022 Minutes. No changes needed on the minutes. Approved
Treasurer’s Report. Abra. No changes since August, $722.
Discussion 7:20
Planning for the Norte-Sur transportation corridor with Ian Sansom from Tucson Dept of Transportation and Mobility Ian made a short presentation. There were questions and answers, including short overview of Phase 1 and Phase 2. Ian reported that Phase 2 will begin in early 2023. Ian was asked to consider well-being of local business during implementation.
Downtown Links Update and discussion of planning closing of Main Ave at the train tracks during the next phase of construction. Karen provided an update. She reported that at some point in January, there will be new road closures that will increase cut-through traffic down 5th and through the neighborhood.
Letter regarding land use issue at the base of A Mtn - Maxie and Marc Faffs read a letter that has been drafted. Support was expressed for the letter. Karen proposed that the letter be shared in advance with Menlo Park Neighborhood Association to see if they are supportive of it, and send it on if they are. There was a concern raised that there are many points made in the letter that are in conflict or tension with one another. There was a motion to approve the letter and authorize Faffs to check with Menlo Park Neighborhood Association in advance of distribution, and to distribute the letter if no issues arise and to consider any issues raised by Menlo Park prior to distribution.
Moved by Mark
Seconded by Karen
In favor:6
Reports from the field.
Karen reported COVID tests are available at the library.
Faffs shared that Spinter Bros is having a solstice party Wed 12/21.
Meeting was adjourned about 7:55