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DSNA Meeting Minutes: December 2023

Minutes Date

Call to order: 7:01PM

Attendance/Introduction question: (Favorite Holiday Treat) Eric Hill, Christy Stewart, Eneida Guerra de Lima, Eddie Barron (Ward 1), Faffs Riederer, Nicholas McCullough (Pima County District Five), Lisa Scoblink, Abra Bentley, Christopher Rolls, Karen Greene, Natasha Winnik, Eva Marie Hube, Laiken Jordahl, Margie Donovan, 

No changes were requested. Minutes were approved.

Treasurer’s report: $663; paid Christopher Rolls for Zoom Account

Announcements (external and internal)

Should we bring back Block Pals? Will be on agenda for Jan 2024. TEP Efficient Homes Program (Faff) A group of contractors will come to Jan meeting to make presentation on making more energy efficient homes (5 minute announcement). Natasha has two Meeting signs, but the others are lost. Faffs will post email asking for the location of missing signs or we will make new ones. 


11th Ave project: Karen and Natasha met with Sara Meggison (Housing and Community Development for City) informally last week, and the U of A Design Build program is willing to work with us, and they will build half the houses. Sara is limited in time, and right now won’t be able to work with us right now, although she is supportive and is looking at other innovative projects. There is approval to hire another person, and some discussion on the Stone/Speedway project, which will be mixed income due to funding. 

Salvation Army Camp on 11th Ave: Eric Hill, shelter manager of Salvation Army, was requested to come to answer questions about encampments, because beds are 100% filled. There is talk about expanding building to have more room for beds, and applying for a grant for tiny transitional houses.  City of Tucson's Homeless protocol is removing camps on the 11th Ave section (due to heightened activity and shooting). Now there is overflow to streets and alleys. Natasha is wondering why if it is private property, why the City can remove campers. Faffs replied because it is unsanctioned camping, the land owner will get fined by City. (The shooting victims are okay, the shooter has not been found yet.) “Service animals” can stay, which means guests can have pets with them. Eric would be honored to be a regular member of monthly meetings.  

Community Benefits Agreement with 941 N Stone Ave: Natasha, Faffs and Christy are on committee and have begun a draft… and are looking for suggestions. Some ideas are to hire local artists for murals, plant native species, help twice a year for clean ups, provide room for neighborhood meetings.

Update about meeting about proposed Dunbar Pavillion fence which has been included with newest lease with Dunbar: Faffs sent email to IDEA School but didn’t send out to other people. It seems complicated working with school and Dunbar Coalition boards as well as representing neighbors with concerns. Seems quite difficult to schedule. Katie Curtain was supposed to be here tonight from Idea School. Lisa has reached out to Sam Brown and Freda Marshall (new ED) to facilitate this, and would like to share a copy of the letter with them at Board meeting tomorrow. 
Reports from the field

  • DNARC (Downtown Neighborhoods and Residents Committee): not here
    Downtown Links: Why isn’t 7th Ave open yet? The sight line is not as clear, so it can’t be used until the project is completed. 
  • Dunbar Coalition: meeting tomorrow
  • HFAC (Historic Fourth Avenue Coalition): no meeting last month
  • Stone/Speedway
  • Splinter Collective
  • WAMO (Warehouse Arts Management Organization): still a spot for a representative. Could be a good partnership once deck plaza is activated. We haven’t had a rep for years since Natasha. 
  • For the good of the cause - drive carefully through neighborhood; some campers are on corners. Nicholas said that the Council is voting on Bronson replacement tomorrow.

Adjourn at 8:04

Meeting video on YouTube