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DSNA Meeting Minutes: July 2021 Meeting Minutes

Minutes Date

Draft Meeting Minutes for July 19th, 2021 - Meeting Taken by Faffs Riederer, July 19th, 2021

Attending: Elvira Suarez Dim (from Supervisor Grijalva’s Office), Sky, Daman, Cedar Warman Eneida Guerra De Lima, Lisa Scoblink, Natasha

1. Call to Order - 7:01 pm

2. Sign-In & Introductions - Share a quick monsoon story? Lots of good stories. 3. Treasurer’s Report No treasurer’s report. 4. Announcements

Cedar - Last month, we voted to write to the city about the water catchments on University that had been negatively affected by the repaving. Cedar wrote to Brad Lancaster to see if the city had taken appropriate measures or respond to his letter so that Cedar could include that information in our letter. Brad Lancaster hasn’t responded to Cedar yet. Sky will follow up with Brad Lancaster.

Sky - Some of the water harvesting catchments that I care about aren’t getting water from the street anymore because of the repaving.

Sky - Also, some bikes have been stolen from the neighborhood lately

Eneida - My bike rack was stolen from my car.

5. Committee Reports

a. 11th Ave - no report

6. Reports from the Field

a. DNARC - from Karen posted these to the listserve, Damian read them.

b. Neighborhood Foresters - no report

c. Historic Fourth Ave Coalition (HFAC) - Natasha: There have been more issues with safety on 4th Ave, they are trying to get more interaction with police officers, trying to move forward with the pilot project for public bathrooms, looking for Made in Tucson event to happen in the week after thanksgiving.

d. Dunbar Coalition - notes were sent to the listserve, Damian read them.

e. Barrio Neighborhood Coalition - no report

f. Downtown Links - Natasha: seems like they are running behind schedule.

7. Discussion (no votes)

a. Can we put a pedestrian crosswalk near Esteban and near the Dunbar School? Higher likelihood people would go if there was a decent crossing there. Natasha will forward any communication on this to faffs, who will look into doing a pedestrian count.

b. Historic 4th Ave coalition did not agree to open the bank account. The money is in Anna's account. We want to put it in the minutes.

c. Faffs, Damian and Abra will look more closely at this problem.

8. Approve June minutes? faffs moves, sky seconds, six in favor, none opposed. 9. Adjourn 7:36