DSNA Meeting Minutes: June 2024
- Call to order (7:05 PM)
- Attendance/Introduction question: What class could you teach? Christopher Rolls, Nicholas McCullough (Pima County), Kenrick Encinas (sustainable Tucson), Karen G, Tres English (sustainable Tucson), Mary Kashmar, Mark Goehring, Faffs, Violet, Sky Jacobs, Michael Collins, Ann Sierra
- Changes/approval of previous month’s minutes: approved
- Treasurer’s report: $663.20
- Announcements (external and internal)
- Monday, June 24, Annual Dia of San Juan at Mission Gardens with lots of fun activities. 6-10pm
- Pima County Board Meeting Wed Jun 17, 9am
- Book Swap, Sunday July 7 10-1pm, free, at Coalition Space. Bring some, take some
- Discussion
- (7:10) Building Resilience / Building Community - Tres English. Is Your neighborhood climate- ready? Could be pandemic, cyberwarfare, massive solar flare, global trade war, prolonged blackout. Dunbar-Spring is a leader in sustainable neighborhoods. Slow neighborhood down, create shade, community pop-up parks for connecting and play. Proposal: create idea map, from there create sample street. Faffs will send out blurb pitch to send out to listserve for interested volunteers..
(7:25) Community Housing Workshop - Faffs: vote at City Council on new Housing First pilot project off of Prince, 35 micro homes + services, private room and bath, shared kitchen. Move to request Mayor & Council approve PAD because Housing First has shown themselves to be innovative and competent.
Mary: Motion to Support the Amphi Housing First Resource Center at 6/18/24 City Council Meeting
Michael: Second
Vote: 9 for, 0 against.
Motion Passes
(7:40) I-11 Proposed Route through Saguaro National Park, Mark Goehring: AZ Dept Transportation should enrage every Arizonian. Majority of the County Board of Supervisors is very intent on making a statement. Check pima.gov to see sample letter. Move is opposed to I-11 going through Avra Valley and we support the County Board of supervisors letter of opposition.
Karen: Motion to write letter supporting Pima County Supervisors’ Opposition to proposed I-11 route through Avra Valley
Second: Mark
Vote: 9 for, 0 against.
Motion Passes
Contact markgoehring09@gmail.com If you want to help write letter.
- (7:50) Fireworks Proposal - Andra S Ewton. After discussion, suggested Andra create a letter to send out on listserv
- Reports from the field
- DNARC (Downtown Neighborhoods and Residents Committee)
- Downtown Links: putting in arms to begin Quiet Zone
- Dunbar Coalition: needs another representative
- HFAC (Historic Fourth Avenue Coalition)
- Stone/Speedway
- Splinter Collective
- WAMO (Warehouse Arts Management Organization): need representative for board
- For the good of the cause
- Adjourn: 8:00 PM