DSNA Meeting Minutes: May 2022 Meeting Minutes

Minutes Date

Call to Order (7pm*)

Sign-In: Please introduce yourself and tell us if you keep any house plants, if so which ones? (703pm*)

Nicholas (District 5)
Jesse (City-Transportation and Mobility)

Any Changes needed for the April Minutes? (710pm*)
Minutes Approved

Treasurer’s Report (715pm*)
$1021 in account

Discussions (720pm*) (20 min)

Speed Humps on Queen
Jesse Soto with City of Tucson
2 speed humps at $500 each

Proposal- use $500 of neighborhood funds for one bump then support Queen street in fundraising for second Bump.
Lack of second

New proposal - offer $250 of Neighborhood funds, encourage neighborhood fundraising.
Moves that we have a vote for a special vote on the previous motion.
In favor: 10
Opposed: 1
Abstention: 0

Moved to offer $250 of Neighborhood funds, encouraging neighborhood fundraising. And seconded
In favor: 10
Opposed: 1
Abstention: 0

Period Poverty Awareness Week
Nicholas McCullough, District 5 Supervisor Grijalva’s Office
Donation drive- Handouts?pdf offered.

Committee Reports (740*)

11th Ave (Plots of vacant land behind Salvation Army)
General dissatisfaction

Reports from the Field 

Equitable Transit Orientation Project- Starting Project from TUcson Mall Transit center all the way down to the Airport. Maybe a Lightrail or Rapid Transit bus. Survey available and sent in DNARC notes email.

Neighborhood Foresters

Historic Fourth Ave Coalition (HFAC)
Resistance around new building to be developed at old maloneys

Dunbar Coalition

Downtown Links
Intersection at 6th and stone closing for 3 months. For storm water construction. The new curvy part will be open. Church St. should be open both ways.

Barrio/Neighborhood Coalition
Signs available that say “my house/barrio/neighborhood are not for sale

Adjourn (755*)

The meeting chat:
From Lisa Scoblink to Everyone 07:06 PM
Hi All, Lisa Scoblink here.  827 N. Ninth Ave.
the sound is sketchy
From jad48 to Everyone 07:09 PM
From jad48 to Everyone 07:15 PM
are the missing signs going to be put back up on Queen?
From Lisa Scoblink to Everyone 07:16 PM
From jad48 to Everyone 07:16 PM
there are no stop/yield signs on Queen at many intersections
From Lisa Scoblink to Everyone 07:17 PM
do we need to announce a vote?
From jad48 to Everyone 07:18 PM
where would the bumps be located?
From jad48 to Everyone 07:25 PM
I  have my hand up to vote no on the vote
From trent to Everyone 07:27 PM
the audio is much improved
From Lisa Scoblink to Everyone 07:27 PM
From Lisa Scoblink to Everyone 07:34 PM
cannot hear her
From Lisa Scoblink to Everyone 07:46 PM
sent on listserv