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DSNA Meeting Minutes: May 2024

Minutes Date

Call to order: 7:02 PM

Attendance/Introduction question: Christy Stewart, Karen Greene, Faffs Reiderer, Christopher Rolls, Deron Beal, Michael Cechowski, Lisa Scoblink, Eddie Elias Barron (Ward 1), Jenny Columbus, Nicholas McCullough, Gabe Crateron (Essential Barrio), Noemi, Thomas Stellini, Violet Vreeland, Maxie Adler, Brendon, Tim Hagyard, Sky Jacobs

Changes/approval of previous month’s minutes: approved

Treasurer’s report: $663

Announcements (external and internal)

  • (Nicholas) 2024 Period Poverty Awareness Week
  • (Eddie) FUGA Friday evening and Sunday morning bike rides
  • (Karen) Book Swap
  • (Karen) Budget de la Gente (our proposal did not get approved) but it is highly recommended to be a proposal lead
  • (Karen) We need to rework our by-laws… we need 4 people to work on this process (Karen, Faffs, Christopher…need one more)
  • (Karen) We need a survey to ask neighbors what projects they are interested in as part of this neighborhood. Can be sent through free City mailing if we get it out by June 30, end of fiscal year.


  • Community Benefits Agreement with 941 N Stone Ave - the changes of the agreement were reviewed and agreed upon. vote to vote (12 yes / 0 no), vote a one-time waiver of our No GPLET agreement vote (13 yes / 0 no), vote to approve the amended CB agreement (13 yes / 0 no) Michael: we need notarized signatures on document, and the City will put together four documents for final approval by Mayor and Council in August (next to last on agenda). The agreement and GPLET will become effective after certificate of occupancy. Karen: What happens if they sell it? Michael: if the buyer buys it before building is completed, the GPLET is invalid, but if it is in place, the new buyer must follow through and the document is part of the purchase.
  • Clean Sweep Program - Deron Beal - Sustainable Tucson hopes to get rid of gas-powered leaf blowers, and are thus seeking signatures from Neighborhood Associations. Motion: "For both environmental and health reasons, it is time to phase out the use of gas-powered leaf blowers and related gas-powered yard-maintenance equipment (string trimmers, lawn mowers, etc.) in the city of Tucson.” (12 yes / 0 no)
  • Discuss/Sign on in support of the Tucson Birthplace Open Space Coalition (TBOSC) Values Statement: - Maxi -Motion: sign on TBOSC values statement and join the coalition officially: (13 yes / 0 no)
  • Discuss/Sign onto the Letter of Support for Santa Cruz River Urban National Wildlife Refuge: - Maxi - Motion: sign onto the Letter of Support : (14 yes /0 no)

Reports from the field

  • DNARC (Downtown Neighborhoods and Residents Committee)
  • Downtown Links
  • Dunbar Coalition: Lisa said that we might not have an official seat on the board, no details, but individuals may still apply to be on the board. There will not be a fence on the playground.
  • HFAC (Historic Fourth Avenue Coalition)
  • Stone/Speedway
  • Splinter Collective: Poetry “Interrupted by Trains” will be starting on Saturdays
  • WAMO (Warehouse Arts Management Organization) would be great if someone wants to join the board
  • For the good of the cause - anyone willing to help with by-laws

Adjourn: 8:00 PM