DSNA Meeting Minutes: October 2023 Meeting Minutes
Minutes for 10/16/23 meeting 7PM
- Call to order
- Attendance/Introduction question: Favorite Halloween costume off all time.
- In attendance: Mark G, Karen Greene, Abra Bentley, Alexandra Zamecnik, Anna and Clay, Cate Arnquist, Gabe Grateron, Hector Jimenez, Omar Ore-Giron, Michael Mckisson, Mike Powell, Natasha Winnik, Nicholas McCullow, Paula Arnquist, Sky Jacobs, Splinter Collective, Tim Hagyard, Christopher Rolls, Matt, Sir, Sky Jacobs, Jon Bauer, Margie Donovan, Eva Marie Hube, weaver, Lisa Scoblink
Changes/approval of previous month’s minutes
Any changes? Use the chat. If none, they are considered approved. No changes were requested in the chat. Minutes were approved.
- Treasurer’s report
- Still at $772
- Announcements (external and internal)
- Deadline for Budget de la Gente closed Sunday, Oct. 15th. Karen G entered two projects - a possible non-profit organization for Ward 1 neighborhoods/barrios to use as an umbrella fiscal organization, and one for paying performers for the 9th Ave Downtown Links deck project.
- Discussion
- 941 Stone Project - Presenting a Development Plan - Gabe Grateron (POSSIBLE VOTE)
- Gabe and Hector, Central Barrio Development. Gabe shared his screen and a slide deck that will be made available for property on Stone, north of the Sahara Apartments. Small apartments to be rented for less than $1,000/mo, Coffee shop, meeting space to be included. Participating in the city GPLET program so are engaging with the neighborhood as part of that process. Part of the GPLET process also includes having a Community Benefit Agreement. Open to questions and concerns.
- There were questions about current use (vacant), city’s financial participation (TBD) and timeframe (still in concept development phase, about 2 years out), how many residential units (17 units). Karen shared history on previous DSNA vote on GPLET (voted to not support them), what is considered “below market” (below market rate; targeting “workforce housing”).
- Karen suggested a motion to approve a start the conversation of a Community Benefits Agreement with the developer… Anna seconded. 16 in favor, none against, no abstensions. Motion passes.
- Gabe and Hector, Central Barrio Development. Gabe shared his screen and a slide deck that will be made available for property on Stone, north of the Sahara Apartments. Small apartments to be rented for less than $1,000/mo, Coffee shop, meeting space to be included. Participating in the city GPLET program so are engaging with the neighborhood as part of that process. Part of the GPLET process also includes having a Community Benefit Agreement. Open to questions and concerns.
- 941 Stone Project - Presenting a Development Plan - Gabe Grateron (POSSIBLE VOTE)
b. Should we buy a zoom account? - ? (POSSIBLE VOTE)
- Karen: Should we take money from our account and/or donations to use on a Zoom account so we don’t have to worry about being timed out. Seconded by Christopher Rolls.
- Cost might be $149 a year. Some discussion about donations. Christopher will look into details.
- 15 yes, no “nos” no abstentions. Motion passes
c.Community Garden and Mural proposals for Estevan Park - Ronah (POSSIBLE VOTE)
- Splinter collective, (I missed name and spelling of presenters) Powerpoint presentation was provided Monday afternoon. Including Sir,
- Working on design of bathroom walls. Westside wall space and near drinking fountains and four pillars.Today is just about the restroom mural. {there were some tech difficulties with loading PowerPoint and giving sharing control to Sir as presenter)
- They provided some background information and goals of the project. They will put out a call for artists and keep DSNA updated.
They asked how to put the word out to artists. Will be working with Arts Foundation. Looking for feedback and seeking support and can wait for further discussion.
Karen suggested continuing to the next meeting. Tim suggested that the question to DSNA is are we supportive of a mural project and not comment on specific art. Confirmation was made that they are in the process with the art council.
Karen moved to approve the beautification of Estevan Park with murals in spaces shown tonight using the process approved by the arts council. Michael seconded. There was some discussion about what the approval by the arts council means. 10 yes, 2 no and 2 abstensions. Motion passes.
d.Dunbar Pavillion / IDEA School Playground Fence. -Anna & Clay (POSSIBLE VOTE)
i.Faffs is on the board of the IDEA school and will ask someone to come to a future meeting.. The understanding is that Dunbar Coalition plans to build a fence with controlled access to the playground and basketball courts on 11th Ave as part of a request by the IDEA school (their tenant).
ii. Anna read a brief statement lifting up the value of the playground/park to neighborhood residents. Several residents spoke about the importance of access to the playground and basketball courts. Lisa will check-in with the Dunbar board tomorrow and report back. A resident shared a concern that DSNA appears to no longer be in community partnership with Dunbar. An eroding partnership. An idea was shared to work with the IDEA school to work and collaborate with the neighborhood. Families use this playground a lot. It’s the only viable playground in the neighborhood.
Iii. Motion from Paula: DSNA write a letter or two letters to Dunbar/IDEA inviting a community conversation with stakeholders. Propose a larger meeting with lots of neighborhood stakeholders with the goal of convincing them to not build a fence. Second by Anna. Chris suggested adding clear objectives. Paula, Anna and Alexandra will work with Faffs on the letter.
iv.The meeting ended and folks came back… 13 are in the meeting. 12yes no nos and no abstentions
E. Transportation Grant to work on 10th Ave and 1st St - Karen(POSSIBLE VOTE)
i.Natasha provided some background of new grant program for small road projects through Tucson Dept of Transportation (TDOT). Karen suggested we wait til next month and do homework. There was discussion of also including other streets in the neighborhood that could use items like speed humps/chicanes, etc. We still have a quorum. Michael Collins moved to look into the grant process to improve at least the 10th Ave and 1st St general area with an outcome of reviewing a grant application at the November or December meeting. Tim seconded. 9 people present 7 yes, 0 against 1 abstention
- Reports from the field
- DNARC (Downtown Neighborhoods and Residents Committee)
- Tim provided an oral report. Might be moving to bi-monthly meeting. Potential residential project on 9th Ave loading docks has run into an issue with Union Pacific owning more land/right of way than was previously expected. Developer will need to work with UP before anything can happen with this development
- Downtown Links
- Dunbar Coalition
- Board meeting the next day
- HFAC (Historic Fourth Avenue Coalition)
- Natasha shared various news items on projects happening in 4th Ave area including the Made in Tucson market in November, and hosting a city-owned portable shower facility
- Stone/Speedway
- Email sent out previous of a press release that the city purchased the parcel of land that was owned by a private developer. The city now owns the entire parcel and is looking to provide an affordable housing project there.
- WAMO (Warehouse Arts Management Organization)
- nothing
- Splinter Collective
- Previous presentation about art project
- DNARC (Downtown Neighborhoods and Residents Committee)
- For the good of the cause - future topics
- none
- Adjourn
Not included
- Ways to include more neighborhood participation - Alexandra (POSSIBLE VOTE)
- Conflicts of Interest and Officers of the DSNA - ? (POSSIBLE VOTE)
- Quiet Zone Celebration Planning - Mark (POSSIBLE VOTE)
- For next month:: A motion to authorize Mark and Faffs to write city officials informing them of DSNA’s intent to form a Quiet Zone Celebration Planning Committee and to ask their best guess when the application will go in and when we will be given the Quiet Zone designation.
- For next month:: A motion to authorize Mark and Faffs to write city officials informing them of DSNA’s intent to form a Quiet Zone Celebration Planning Committee and to ask their best guess when the application will go in and when we will be given the Quiet Zone designation.
- A brainstorm for neighborhood activities (such as basins or a park celebration) - Alexandra (POSSIBLE VOTE)
- how to generate funds for the neighborhood- Alexandra (POSSIBLE VOTE)
- Neighborhood Parking Program - Christopher (POSSIBLE VOTE)
- Budget de la Gente from Ward 1 - Any Ideas? - Karen (POSSIBLE VOTE)
Meeting videos: