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DSNA Meeting Minutes: October 2024

Minutes Date

7 PM (Hybrid Meeting - In person at 901 N 13th Ave)

Call to order (7PM)

Attendance/Introduction question: Natasha Lee Simpson - Friendship Missionary Baptist Church, Nicholas - Pima County District 1, Cheryl Bassey - Friendship Missionary Baptist Church, Faffs, Karen, Brendan, Glenn, Thomas, Violet, Sky

Changes/approval of previous month’s minutes (no changes)

Treasurer’s report - Sky

  • We had $663.28, spent $144.00 on Google Meet account for one year $519.28 remains, donations may somewhat offset the $144 for Google Meet, updated numbers next meeting.

Announcements (external and internal)

  • Cheryl Bassey - Friendship Missionary Baptist Church - Resource Fair Saturday 10/26/24 starting at 9AM. Great resources. Come check it out and invite anyone you know that could use some support.
  • Google meet purchase - we approved 94$, cost is 144$. Karen will chip in $25. Looking for someone else to chip in $25.
  • $160 would be the cost for 10 neighborhood meeting signs (quote from the printer, the glue factory)
  • Library closure is on hold for a long time, no new info about a closure in the coming months
  • Sat, Oct 26th 6-9pm originate 21st birthday party!! Come say hi!
  • Early voting has started! Check


  • AZ Corporation Commission Election info - Robert Bulechek 20% of voters don't vote for cc Tep, Southwest gas are regulated by the cc, Sets rates and policy. They have been rubber stamping what the utilities want. We could stop renewing fossil fuel plants. We could have community solar Energy competition (there is a monopoly for 100 years). Demand response programs. Solar united neighbors is a coop if you want to get solar for your house. You can reach out to Robert for more info (address above)
  • Introduction from Tucson PD (7:30). TPD did not respond to emails. Reached out to two officers this month, one is on parental leave.
  • Let’s spend some money on speed humps - Brad Lancaster (not in meeting) - POSSIBLE VOTE (7:45). Opportunity to get two speed humps 95% paid for by the ward 1 office Speed humps cost $10,000 each, Ward 1 will pay $9,500 if we come up with $500 (for each of two speed humps). We need more info like the proposed locations before we spend this money.

Reports from the field

  • DNARC (Downtown Neighborhoods and Residents Committee)
  • Downtown Links
  • Dunbar Coalition
  • HFAC (Historic Fourth Avenue Coalition)
  • Stone/Speedway
  • Splinter Collective
  • WAMO (Warehouse Arts Management Organization)

Adjourn: 8:00 PM