July 2015

Minutes Date

ATTENDEES: Vincent Pawlowski, Karen Greene, Natasha Winnik, Nncy Bender, Steve Arnquist, Erik Shaviro, Sergio Camou, Jaqueline Foxx

& Introductions: The meeting was started at 7:10 p.m.

Treasurer's Report – No treasurer’s report

Announcements: Karen Green announced Analog Hour; Discussion item for future meetings, the next phase after the demolition at Salvation Army’ Ward 1 will get information on the next phase. Erik - business nearing completion on 4th St - Zinman's Food Shop. Update on the shop. Hopefully going to open in the fall. Anticipate the time when a crew will be needed, hired, call list. No retail sales of alcohol. Grains and produce and process on premises. Allow people to bring beer and wine but doesn’t know if it’s possible. May go Vegan, but definitely vegetarian. Next to the 4th street and west 9th avenue.

Steve Arnquist – report from city council? IID; infill, incentive, district; Blue Top Church at 10th ave and 4th street. Road work from 2012 bond package; Improvements on Grande, St. Mary’s; expanding rainwater harvesting program to include commercial.

Infill, El Charro parking lot & the loading platform parking

Ronstadt bus center: Wednesday 5:30 to 7 p.m. Convention Center

Residential Parking Permit Task Force, meetings start mid-August. Did extend the deadline for people to apply. Nothing is known as yet.

Committee Reports


2. Downtown Links There won’t be any more meetings until the Fall.

3. Neighborhood Garden – compost donation – thank you to Tank’s Green Stuff, up to 10 cubic yards free. Looking to rejuvenate the garden and children’s park Change to fluffy mulch. Smaller grade mulch for the native plants and get some compost for the garden.

4. Dunbar Coalition

Approval of Minutes from June: No minutes

Adding to future agenda how to contact neighbors whose yards prevent walkability.
