June 2012

Minutes Date

1. Call to Order – Meeting called to order 7:10 pm.

2. Sign in and Introductions

3. Treasurer Report – No activity. Account balance is $1451.71.

4. Announcements

Diana Rhoades of Ward 1 circulates a petition to name one of the trails on Tumamoc Hill after a man who has hiked it every day for many years.

Jessica Shuman announces that volunteers are needed to distribute peaceful literature at the upcoming Ringling Brothers’ Circus at TCC.

5. Discussion

(b) Vote: Broadway Coalition Mission Endorsement – Jessica announces that a Broadway Coalition has formed to give a voice to parties who have concerns about the planned widening of Broadway between Euclid and Country Club. The project is part of the RTA, but the coalition hopes to scale back current plans which include widen the road to 8 lanes and 150 feet and are based on a 1985 traffic study that predicted a much greater increase in traffic than has actually occurred. As the plans currently stand, every property on the north side of Broadway would be demolished. The city actually has actually undertaken a study that has shown that this widening would make the street more dangerous to pedestrians. The Broadway Coalition is looking for businesses, organizations, and neighborhood associations to join the coalition, which means giving support and supporting their mission. Harrison Smith moves to join. Claire Zugmeyer seconds. No further discussion and motion carries unanimously.

(a) Vote: Neighborhood Reinvestment Art – Cade Hayes and Jesus Robles present their newest bench design. Instead of a single bench, they propose having a set of 30 – 40 cast concrete stools, planters, and water collectors. They have brought a short concrete pylon with a cactus in it and some sketches to illustrate the concept. Some of the comments include:

The original design was liked because it is a single large object that draws people in, unsure if new design will have the same effect.

Have a more natural, less industrial/pylon appearance. (This was emphasized several times)

Place them so that people can sit and face each other.

Unsure about water collectors, they may work but make sure water does not sit and pose a mosquito breeding hazard.

Cade and Jesus plan to take 90 days to develop this concept. All projects must be completed by the end of the year, so it will be important to stay on schedule. Claire Zugmeyer moves to approve the new stool and planter concept. Sky Jacobs seconds. No further discussion and motion carries unanimously.

Jessica announces that individuals can also become members of the Broadway Coalition.

Diana Rhoades mentions that Councilwoman Romero is interested in seeing mixed use at the Speedway and Stone development, so there may be an opportunity to work together.

Sky Jacobs discusses the upcoming Chip and Mulchy service. The dates are now set at Saturday, August 4 for pruning, and Saturday, August 11 for chipping.

6. Committee Reports – No committee reports.

7. Approval of Minutes from May – Sky Jacobs moves to approve. Gail Toomey seconds. Motion carries unanimously.

8. Adjourn – Meeting adjourned 8:29 pm.