March 2013

Minutes Date

1. Call to Order – Meeting called to order 7:05 pm.

2. Sign In and Introductions

3. Treasurer Report – No changes to our account.

4. Announcements

Suzanne Schafer of West University Neighborhood Association and Tucson Bus Riders’ Union presents some information about the Ronstadt Transit Center and plans that the city is considering for developing it. A planning area exists and the city is working with Poster, Frost, and Mirto on a development plan. The city council seems dedicated to the idea of keeping current transit services, but they are also interested in mixed use of some form. The Bus Riders’ Union invites anyone who is interested in the future of this center to take part in a community discussion at the Rialto Theater on April 2 at 5:30 pm. They will also be taking a survey of users of the center on April 12 and could use volunteers.

Karen Greene announces that the Wilmot Library will be having a seed saving workshop on April 19, and that volunteers are still needed for both Cyclovias, on April 7 and 28.

Turtle announces that she has enough content for the newsletter. If anyone has anything last-minute to add, they should contact her ( She is planning to send it out before April. She also announces that the Pie Party will be on May 5, Cinco de Pie-o, with more details to come.

Al LeCocq, of the Salvation Army Advisory Board, with Pat Kambourain, Yoli Hasler, and Joe Morefield, announces that they would like to work closely with Dunbar Spring on plans for their new Hospitality House and want to be a good neighbor throughout the process. The new house should greatly improve their ability to serve women and children. The current plans have been scaled back from those that we have previously seen. They are looking to have 91 beds. They currently are near funding Phase 1, which includes 2-family apartments. The current hospitality house will be demolished after Phase 1 construction is complete. Phase 2 will include affordable housing, as per our previous agreements. There is currently no funding with the city, but we would like the Salvation Army to look for other sources. Phase 2 still has many uncertainties, as graves will need to be relocated. The plans will be presented and discussed at the following meetings with:

  • Councilor Regina Romero, March 21, 10 am at her office
  • County Administrator Chuck Huckleberry, March 25, 3 pm at his office
  • Mayor Jonathan Rothschild, March 27, 8 am at his office

They will bring the plans for discussion at next month’s meeting.

Nancy Bender is here to update us on happenings at the Whistle Stop Depot. Last year, they presented us with plans for a brew pub with John Atkison. These plans are no more, and the Whistle Stop seems to have found its best purpose as a community and private event space. They have had a number of great events including the BICAS art auction, Pie Party, Sculpture Festival, and Flam Chen. Due to some interpretation changes at the alcohol board, particularly those that prevent artists from serving alcohol at art walks, they have chosen to pursue an alcohol (beer and wine) license. They have purchased the license but have yet to go through the hearings. They have many more events coming up and hope to have support from the neighborhood through the process.

Sky Jacobs announces that we once again have control over the neighborhood listserve. He is considering changing to a Google group. We can discuss this at a later meeting.

5. Discussion

(a) Community Action Toolkit w/ Anthony Johnson – Tony has nothing new to report. Vince Pawlowski states that Martha Gebhart, our community action coordinator, is able to meet Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday evening, two weeks from now, with interested parties in the neighborhood, which include Harold, Harrison, Vince, and possibly Sky.

6. Committee Reports

(a) Downtown Links – There has been no project meeting, but Karen Greene reports that the deck park subcommittee has met. There was some frustration with people questioning the purpose of the deck park. It is important that we emphasize why the deck park is such an important part of the project. Karen has personally met an artist who has built giant kaleidoscopes and interactive art, who may be an option when a panel is formed and the call to artists goes out. Richard Mayers mentions that the value engineering subcommittee has met but has not made any notable actions, other than writing language upholding the CAC president. Harrison Smith reports that Tom Fisher, Downtown Links project manager, responded to our letter requesting a change in location of the signalized bike/ped crossing for the El Paso and Southwestern Greenway. He stated that it would be difficult to change it from where it currently is in the plans, but he is willing to discuss it with us at our next meeting. We agree to invite him, and we would also like to invite representatives from West University and Barrio Anita.

(b) Community Garden – Vince reports that Terry is away, but the bill has been paid and they still have some money. There are lots of empty plots. Hopefully the Community Action Toolkit will re-energize the garden. Homeless camping is still an issue, and some people have used the garden in unsanitary and disgusting ways. Emergency blankets have been found there. Yoli of the Salvation Army says we can always contact her at (520) 343 9779 and she will send a custodian to collect them.

(c) Dunbar Coalition – Lisa Scoblink has missed the meetings and hasn’t heard updates or received minutes. She will attend tomorrow’s meeting and report next month.

7. Approval of Minutes from February – Minutes approved unanimously.

8. Adjourn – Meeting adjourned 8:17 pm.