March 2015

Minutes Date

Treasurer’s Report: Same as of last month $765.73


Library events – Tai Chi on Thursdays from noon-1 on the plaza; Bookbike volunteer training Sat. March 21st 8:30 a.m.; Master Gardener talk about Garden Bugs Tue. April 7th noon-1; Qigong on Thursdays noon-1 starting April 9; Bike in movie April 11 – talks about bike tours 6:45; Plaza planter party Tue. April 14th noon-1; Bookbike fleet kickoff event Sat. April 18th at Columbus library 11-noon.

This is the time for our one free newsletter from the City (because of elections next month) – Lori volunteers to put it together if people write content.

Salvation Army building will soon be demolished. Sky will talk to Ward 1 about how property will be handed over to the city and what happens if there are human remains on the property.

Harrison ran into Jean from Sister Jose’s. He encouraged her to try and come to neighborhood meetings regularly.


Tucson Clean and Beautiful would like to place signs in a few traffic circles with their phone number contact to encourage people to volunteer as a site steward. It is hoped that neighbors close to the circles are taking care of them.

Motion to not take Tucson Clean and Beautiful signs for traffic circles. Passed 9-0.

Living Streets Alliance Walkability study is available on our neighborhood website. They and neighbors collected data about neighborhood walkability to see where people feel safe walking or not, for a variety of reasons. Some places have serious impediments to walking in the right of way. Question about sending letter to neighbors about concerns such as rocks, overgrown vegetation, heavy gravel, etc. Discussion about fairness of sending letters to everyone in the neighborhood that has impediments or just those mentioned in the study. These impediments vary in how bad they are. Discussion of possibility of using volunteer labor during the tree planting parties to help with these impediments. If a letter is sent, it needs to be non-confrontational and sent as a friendly warning, as technically it is a ticketable offense.

Decision made to put general info in the newsletter about types of walkability issues, then write individual letters to homeowners mid-summer and indicate tree planting time as a time to provide assistance to remedy the situation.

Side conversation began connected to this topic as Brad L. wants the neighborhood to write a letter to the city to encourage right of way to be designated walking areas, with a suggestion of that area to be 5 ft. wide and 7 ft. tall, with part of the right of way area closer to the street to be for trees. The city has indicated you can park in the right of way as long as there is a 4 foot area for walking. Decided to bring this up for a vote next month.

Another side conversation about parking issues along 5th St/9th Ave to be a future agenda item.

Whistle Stop Series 7 liquor license. We have until Wed. March 18th to comment to the city/state board about this license (it has already been approved by Mayor and Council). It is a beer and wine license that can be sold to a future owner of this property. Some neighbors are concerned not necessarily about what will happen at Whistle Stop, but what could happen with a future owner. This would be a similar license as Tap and Bottle has, which is a hugely popular place with a fair amount of traffic and noise and perhaps not appropriate for a neighborhood type location. One neighbor is concerned about what happens currently as when events are held and the train goes by, the music volume is increased. There is a question about whether police will come out for noise violations. There was a question about where and whether the notice for license application was posted on the property. There was a question about whether the current issues of noise would continue whether they got approval for this liquor license or not.

Motion to send a letter to the State Liquor Board objecting to Whistle Stop getting a Series 7 liquor license. Passed 8-0, 1 abstention

Committee Reports

DNARC – report already sent out – Broadway alignment is identical to the alignment rejected last fall by mayor and council; DNARC will ask city and county housing folks to discuss ideas for housing homeless (one idea involves Hotel Arizona); Iron Horse having traffic issues when cars are diverted when 4th Ave underpass gets closed on weekends.

Downtown Links - no report

Neighborhood Garden – no repot

Dunbar Coalition – Proclamation made by the mayor in honor of Cress Lander at the council meeting on March 17th.

Motion to approve Jan. minutes passed 9-0.

Meeting adjourned.