March 2020 Meeting Minutes

Minutes Date

1. Call to Order 7:00 pm

2. Sign-In & Introductions

3. Treasurer's Report

• $1074.67

4. Announcements

• Given conversation neighborhood requested from previous meeting, Karen spoke with Brad L. about improving community communication. Brad L. shared how miscommunication goes both ways and suggested better ways to disseminate info.

• Karen discussed recent COVID-19 concerns. Emphasized the importance of Block Pals as a means of keeping track of elderly or otherwise health-compromised neighborhood members. Also, Block Pals could note what residences are lacking resources (e.g., toilet paper, food).

5. Committee Reports

a. DNARC—see below Discussion on TDOT update.

b. Downtown Links—see below Discussion on TDOT update.

c. Dunbar Coalition—Voted on a new quorum minimum. It is no longer 10 people, but a more flexible percentage.

d. Neighborhood Foresters—This weekend, Neighborhood Foresters planted over 60 plants. Have been improving neighborhood walkability and water harvesting measures. At present, 40,000 gallons have been harvested annually from curb cuts and 300 linear feet of course gravel has been cleared from right of ways.

e. 11th Ave—Have not yet received first draft of RFP that will be sent out to not-for-profit and for-profit developers to invite various affordable housing development projects concerning four-five properties across Tucson. Expecting to receive this RFP first draft before our April meeting.

1. Discussion 7:30 pm

a. TEP update on proposed Transmission line route (10 min)—Due to COVID-19 concerns, canceled public meeting to be held this Wednesday. Concern over the future of public meetings and transparent process of public decision-making. TEP must propose three different routes for the above-ground Transmission line.

So far, only the southern area affected by Transmission line approved (all other areas opposed proposed locations). This was due to the southern area experiencing brown outs.

b. April Elections (1 min)— Held in open-air at the Whistle Stop at 7pm on April 20th. Motion to change location of elections. Motion seconded. Unanimous vote to hold open-air April elections at the Whistle Stop at 7pm on April 20th. All are invited.

c. TDOT update (10 min)—Gave Q&A as well as presentation (linked here:…) and emphasized cost-saving measures that justified removal of most (not all) amenities requested by Citizen’s Advisory Council (CAC). CAC was terminated in 2016 and citizens not informed of plan changes in timely manner. Asked if future plan changes should go through Mayor & Council meetings. TDOT discussed quality of life and safety of citizenry with railroad crossing, improved bike lanes, and noise reduction. Yet, noise reduction decisions were not data-driven. Plans seem very much in the air regarding flow of traffic during Broadway and 6th St. closures, deck plaza amenities, shade structure appearance, retaining wall design, etc. Plan still over budget by about $10 million. TDOT promised to return to discuss Main Ave. reconstruction plan.

2. Approve February minutes

Motion to approve minutes. Motion seconded. Unanimous vote to approve minutes.

3. Adjourn