May 2014

Minutes Date

Dunbar Spring Neighborhood Minutes May 2014

Treasurer’s Report: Same as last month $765.73


• Owner of vacant lot on 11th Ave/Queen just south of Speedway wanted to see neighbors thoughts on development there. It is zoned R2, can put in 4 units, 2 duplexes. Neighbors indicated interest in Section 8, homeless veterans, look like other houses in neighborhood. Owner is interested in selling this property as well and has had two offers.

• There is a Little Free Library in Armory Park – 14th and Railroad area


TCE contamination – there is a Citizen Advisory Board (CAB) that meets concerning PCE and TCE contamination around Mission Linen in Barrio San Antonio. There is an additional plume near 7th St and Arizona Ave and it is heading in our neighborhood’s direction. AZ Dept. of Environmental Quality wants to expand the CAB to include a member of Dunbar Spring. In April neighbor Erik Shapiro indicated he would be willing to sit on that committee. The chemicals are not in the groundwater but in a perched aquifer and there are a variety of remediation options that need to be evaluated. A public meeting is scheduled for May 20 at 5:30 at the Main Library. Anyone is welcome to attend.

Salvation Army – Sky attended a meeting at Richard Elias’ office with the Salvation Army and others.

The affordable housing piece we have negotiated along 11th Ave. is still looking promising but it is a long-term process. The next priority for the Salvation Army once they complete the new hospitality house is a transitional housing unit that would be between the hospitality house on Main and 11th Ave.

Bus riders union letter of support – Motion to write a letter of support for Bus Riders Union that will use their own letter as a template. Passed 12-0. There is a Bus Riders Union party scheduled for May 20th 5:oo p.m.

Main restriping letter – discussion of idea of restriping between railroad tracks and Speedway to get rid of the middle turn lane and have parking on the east side of the road. There would then be a separated bike lane between the cars and the curb, bikes heading in both directions. This would connect up to the separated bike lane on St. Mary’s. Ideally this could go all the way down Granada. A similar request is being made to the Dept. of Transportation by the Rincon Heights neighborhood for 6th Street near the U of A. Motion to write a letter to the city supporting restriping of Main to one lane in each direction for cars and supporting idea of separated bike path. Passed 12-0.

Dog and rooster issues – 2 dog attacks on the same day by the same dogs – there have been previous attacks by these dogs. The house with the dogs is located at 712 N. 11th Ave. Animal Control needs photos of dogs and/or eyewitness testimony. A neighbor knows the landlord of this house and will contact them. Other neighbors will work on taking photos of dogs. Other neighbors are willing to testify, but will be out of town for a while. Some roosters and chickens along 10th Ave have gotten out of hand and there are eggs and chickens that have impacted at least 6 different houses. There are 10-12 roosters and 20 chicks. The Humane Society will take them in if we catch them (at a cost of $10 apiece). AB Feeds also takes roosters as does a feed store on 6th Ave near 37th street. We are in need of large cages to put them in.

DNARC letter – presentation of letter outlining concerns of citizens who participate on citizen advisory committees who aren’t listened to, city staff ignores suggestions and requests for information, etc. Motion to write a letter in support of DNARC letter concerning public participation on citizen advisory committees. Passed 12-0

Bond funding meeting – still up in the air, but it looks like $30 million for both the affordable housing programs and neighborhood reinvestment programs might still make it on to the bond package. Discussion of bike/pedestrian infrastructure leaned toward the thought that this might need to be a sales tax as it’s too big an issue for bond money. Each area would need to pay for its own infrastructure. Looking to see if Tucson will sell it as a bond idea for the city.

Committee Reports

DNARC – already sent out

Downtown Links – next meeting is June 9, 5:30 p.m. Karen Greene is representative on art selection committee for the deck park.

Neighborhood Garden – new neighbor interested in a plot. The water is not set up for watering plots at this time. Discussion to hold off until after the summer months

Dunbar Coalition – no meeting at this time.

Approval of minutes from April - passed 12-0.