November 2013

Minutes Date

1. Call to Order – 7:02pm

2. Sign in and Introductions

3. Treasurer Report – Balance has not changed: 1,415.71

4. Announcements

(a) Community Picks - Pima County Libraries currently have “staff picks” and are creating a “community picks” to highlight what people in our community are reading. To submit a community pick please e-mail Karen Greene at You may contact the library at (520) 594-5500 or visit the webpage

(b) The Best Western in Dunbar Spring - seeking to become a more integral part of the neighborhood. Interested in opportunities to help with neighborhood activities, projects, workdays. The Best Western has a restaurant and also weekly karaoke.

(c) Neighborhood clean-up – 25 students from UofA and several DSN members worked to clean-up the garden Saturday November 23 as part of a UofA service learning class.

(d) TEP – several electric power poles have been replaced at 9th and 2nd. Seem to be same size.

(e) Festivus – Vince Pawlowski is having his annual Festivus celebration. If interested contact Vince at

5. Discussion

(a) TEP substation – Vote to write a letter to TEP to requests that TEP to construct a wall around the substation that will: reduce noise (be material appropriate to do so) and provide a buffer to the site itself. The buffering should include art, trees, and be done in collaboration with the neighborhood. Passed unanimously.

(b) The Annual Mesquite Milling in conjunction with Porch Fest Sunday November 24, 2013 3PM-5PM in the Dunbar/Spring Neighborhood. Maps and information to be posted at Desert Harvesters

6. Committee Reports

(a) Downtown Links – The committee received the letter sent by DSN, we received a letter back. They are moving forward with the project. 75% of the design has been submitted to the COT. A 3D model of the project should be available soon. The acquisition of property will continue and currently 5 buildings are still scheduled for acquisition and demolition. The deck park and the no whistle zone continue to be an integral part of the program.

(b) Neighborhood Garden – The water to the garden is currently off. There is $100 in the account and a $400 dollar water bill to be discussed at the Dunbar Coalition meeting with other bills that may also need to be discussed. Vince Pawlowski is moving forward with the garden revisioning. Please contact Vince if you are interested in participating in what the garden will look like Vince is going to purchase to metal barrels for trash collection.

(c) Dunbar Coalition – Roof repairs are needed for the auditorium. Some kitchen repairs are needed. The Dunbar Coalition may be working with the “Market on the Move” to become a location.

9. Approval of Minutes from October – Unanimously approved

10. Adjourn –Adjourned at 8:25pm.