November 2014

Minutes Date

Treasurer’s Report: Same as of last month $765.73



  • The library is having a variety of programs coming up – Sat. Nov. 22, 8:30 a.m. Seed Library Volunteer Orientation;  Tue. Dec. 2nd noon-1 – Master Gardener Class about Container Gardening;  Tue. Dec. 9 noon-1 – Plaza Planter Work Party; Thurs. Dec. 11, noon-1 – Standing in Stillness; Sat. Dec. 13th 10-noon – Seed packing party
  • Barrio Hollywood, Menlo Park and Barrio Kroeger Lane are working with the Ward 1 office to create a 501(c)3 nonprofit umbrella organization that any Ward 1 neighborhood would be able to use as a resource if they received grant funding.  Next meeting Fri. Nov. 25 at 5:30 at the Ward 1 office.  
  • Jack McDaniel introduced himself – he has a 20 ft. trailer and would like to install it in someone’s backyard – he is a carpenter, handyman and can trade work or pay.  He wants to live in Dunbar Spring.  Vince can vouch for him (plus can put you in touch with him)
  • Sky will follow up with Living Streets Alliance regarding the report about the walkability of our neighborhood.
  • During Cyclovia, Alexander met someone who lives in the Feldman neighborhood, who said they had gotten a major grant to build a walking path/tree planting basins, capture runoff, etc.  Does anyone have more info about this?
  • Tree planting party scheduled for November 22nd, 8 a.m.  Meet at University and 9th Ave, NW corner.
  • TEP has expressed an interest in meeting with Sky to discuss the 10 foot barrier for the substation.
  • Mesquite Pancake Breakfast sponsored by Watershed Management Group – Sun. Nov. 23rd.  Dodge and Speedway, NW corner
  • There will be mesquite milling at the Santa Cruz Farmer’s Market starting at 3 p.m.



Donovan Durband from Park Tucson (formerly Parkwise). Phone 791-5071. 

According to city code 20-261, you have 7 calendar days to move your car. You only have to move it a few feet. If there is a special situation (out of town for longer) you can call above number and let them know. The neighborhood requested that a discussion about changing that code be brought up to Mayor and Council. There was a question about why enforcement of this code is necessary if a car has been reported as abandoned, since many neighbors do not have a parking area, or don’t drive their car that often.  

Park Tucson is in our neighborhood every day because we have a block of permit parking, so they check on it. These permits are in place on 9th While they are here, they check for other violations.  

Many neighbors were concerned about rude interactions they have had both with Park Tucson officers and office staff on the phone. The neighborhood feels targeted for tickets because Park Tucson doesn’t visit other parts of town as often.  

Businesses in the neighborhood who are interested in a time limited sign in front of their business should contact Donovan.

There was an additional concern that Park Tucson officers leave their cars running for a while as they write tickets and whatnot, thus contributing to air pollution in the area.

Donovan will discuss these situations with his staff and will follow up with Sky.

Ann Chanecka – City of Tucson Bike/Ped Coordinator

Public Bike Share Program – being studied right now with a paid consultant who has worked with these programs in other cities. Currently 35 cities have them in the US and they are all still operating. This would be a short trip rental type thing, under 30 minutes. This could be an economic development boost. There will be a website with info about the study, a survey and an interactive map where you can requests a bike docking station location.  There is funding available, but there are some issues tied to that funding. GPS trackers would either be at the docking station or attached to the bike – you would need a smart phone to use. At the U of A there is currently a bike library where students and staff can check out bikes. Looking at about 30 stations to start, a 300 bike system at a cost of $1.6 million. It would make bikes more visible on the road so more people will be aware of them.

Road Diets – on Church Ave from St. Mary’s to Cushing St.  Ann has a concept drawing – there would be 1 lane in each direction and a protected bike lane She has been getting positive feedback and is currently moving to engineering design. The other is Main Ave from Speedway to St. Mary’s. This will happen after the Stone Ave from 1st Street to Drachman project is complete (construction for this starts spring 2015). They want to improve connectivity along University to Davis Elementary. There was a request that the separation of cars to bikes be more solid, potentially use parking as the separation.  With a road diet, a crosswalk is a possibility. There was a request for a crosswalk from 1st St. to the park. There was a question about putting a HAWK in at University (which is currently on the city-wide HAWK list), but with the road diet it might not be necessary.

El Paso Greenway is really happening.  Parts of it are in design phase. Difficult area involves crossing Congress St.

Contact Tucson Dept. of Transportation Streets Maintenance Dept. if you have concerns about bike lanes and the state of disrepair of them – stress that there is a hazard.

Alex and 2 partners from Habitation Realty – purchased church at 10th Ave/4th St. as well as surrounding lots

History – built in 1922 – Mt. Cavalry Baptist Church.  In 1956, the church moved to 5th Ave and Lester.  1956-early 1990’s Holy Trinity. They expanded the building and demolished the interior of the church.  Ran out of money and the project stopped in 1992.

Their main purpose is to preserve the building, especially the historic part. They are renovating the pink house next door (originally the parsonage). Using architect Matt Hamilton. They will create 3-4 residential units with limited office space, the vacant lot will become parking. If TEP doesn’t build a wall they will do something to mitigate the noise from the substation. They are using photos from the Historical Society. This will not be student housing. The property on the north side of the street (vacant lot and 1 house) were originally duplexes and a fish market. They have split the parcel and already sold to investors who are preserving the house and keeping the front façade. The developer is building houses (single, family home) on the vacant lot – these have not been designed yet.

You can contact Alex at 465-2539, 107 W. 5th St. to get a tour.  

Committee Reports

DNARC – no report

  • Downtown Links – They agreed to put in stamped asphalt and ped crossing signage for Old Main and St. Mary’s. The 100% drawings will be turned in by Feb. 2015. Go to for updated information. They will make the current Broadway/Aviation intersection smaller. The next meeting is Monday Dec. 15th, location TBD.
  • Garden – there is $13 in the treasury. A group of folks have expressed interest in recreating the Garden subcommittee and will work with Vince to get that going. He already has a list of people interested in plots. There was discussion of using the plots to grow food to donate to local shelters. Contact Vince if you want to be part of that committee.
  • Dunbar Coalition – Barbea Williams is applying for a nation grant for a program that would open the upstairs for more classrooms. Day of Caring on Oct. 25th was a big success.
  • Motion to approve Oct. minutes, passed 17-0. 1 Abstention.