October 2014

Minutes Date

Treasurer’s Report: Same as of last month $765.73



  • The library is having a variety of programs coming up – Sat. Oct. 25 1:30-2:30 Eat Your Yard; Sat. Nov. 8 Plaza Planter Work Party 9-10; Thurs. Nov. 13 Qigong at Work noon-1; Sat. Nov. 15 1:30-2:30 Making Succulent Wreaths
  • Barrio Hollywood, Menlo Park and Barrio Kroeger Lane are working with the Ward 1 office to create a 501(c)3 nonprofit umbrella organization that any Ward 1 neighborhood would be able to use as a resource if they received grant funding. Next meeting Fri. Nov. 25 at 5:30 at the Ward 1 office. Dunbar Spring is invited to attend these meetings and be a part of this process.
  • Night of the Living Fest is happening at La Cocina, not in our neighborhood
  • Photos of our traffic circle art made it into Orion magazine and in Bicycling magazine (with a bicyclist)
  • Salvation Army Hospitality House is having an Open House event 1021 N. 11th Ave on Nov. 5 at noon.
  • Tree planting party tentatively scheduled for November 22nd.
  • Sky will be meeting with our Ward 1 rep – if you have any concerns to be shared with Ward 1 please contact Sky directly.
  • Claire will have a Conserve to Enhance Presentation for our January meeting




  1. Tree Trimming Policy for the neighborhood – before trimming trees in front of someone’s house (even if in the right of way) you should contact the person who lives there first either by phone, e-mail, write a note and leave in their door or best to talk in person. There should be a week’s notice and if no response then it’s ok to trim. Motion to create above as a policy for the neighborhood that will be posted on the website and e-mailing list. Passed 8-0
  2. Community Garden – there was a leak in the box where the timer is located and the timer was set incorrectly so the water bill was high once again. This has now been fixed. We need to have more people trained on how to fix the watering situation. If no one steps up to take on the community garden organization then perhaps it has run its course. There has been some interest expressed in general, but the garden needs to have a leader(s) who will take responsibility for overseeing it. Sky will post a notice indicating some folks need to step up or no community garden on the community garden bulletin board. Sky will also keep an eye on the water situation.
  3. Substation fencing – Other substations in city limits have walls that protect from noise and sight pollution but TEP has not responded to our numerous requests for some kind of wall. Recently the decibel level was checked and it was higher than what is allowed in a residential neighborhood. Motion to write a letter to Mayor, City Council, Pima County Supervisors and TEP regarding the construction of a wall around the substation. Passed 8-0
  4. Issues with rights of way, traffic circles, chicanes, trees blocking pathway – in general the neighborhood need to keep up with trimming and general upkeep as the city does not do this at all. Stewards organized per street would be a good place to star along with a work party perhaps planned for the next brush and bulky or when we get our next newsletter mailed (April). Discussion also included finding out how much it would cost to pay someone from the neighborhood to work on this.


Committee Reports

  • DNARC – report submitted separately – highlights are: bike share program (we will have a presentation by Ann Chanecka in November); Regional Visitor Center on the westside to include National, State and Local organizations – look for this proposal as a bond issue; discussion with mayor to potentially close Congress to cars on special occasions
  • Downtown Links – Passed around design ideas for the form liners and metal railings. There will not be a presentation by the artists for our neighborhood. Instead they will present at a Downtown Links Citizen Advisory Committee Meeting and an additional meeting to be held at TPAC for all the neighborhoods involved. If you have specific ideas for the form liners, you can contact Simon Donovan at simondonovan@msn.com and look at some of his work at www.simondonovanpresents.com We also discussed the Ash/9th Ave. area and our desire to not have a one way road there. But if the road has to go in, we would like retractable bollards and we will bring this up with Ann Chanecka when she comes to our meeting next month.
  • Garden – Discussed above
  • Dunbar Coalition – No report
  • Motion to approve Sept. minutes - passed 9-0. 1 Abstention.