September 2019 Meeting Minutes

Minutes Date

1. Call to Order

2. Sign-In & Introductions

3. Treasurer's Report

  • $1089.67

4. Announcements 7:00 pm

  • Language Justice Collective training at Historic Y October 18th 5-7pm.
  • Bicycle Blvd. meetings this next week. Thursday at Historic Y. Looking for input into how to improve Treat Avenue and 3rd Avenue Bicycle Blvd. improvements.

5. Committee Reports

  • DNARC – Postponed for next week.
  • Downtown Links – Granite and Borderlands has undertaken construction. Construction company trucks seen in neighborhood. Natasha will contact city about updates.
  • WAMO – Postponed for next week.
  • Neighborhood Garden – Spoke with community garden representative to clarify new wording on signage. Informed that new signage is worded that way to keep transients out; the community is still welcome. Lisa has yet to meet with Dunbar Coalition. Report moved to October meeting.
  • Dunbar Coalition – No new news, as there was no official meeting this month.
  • Walkability – Postponed for next week.
  • Neighborhood Foresters – November planting scheduled by Brad Lancaster. Updates at October meeting.

6. Discussion 7:30 pm

  • Welcome brochure and meeting signs - possible vote from August agenda (10 min) – Gloo Factory and Reproductions will print signs cost @ $15 a piece, with an initial printing of 10 signs, for a total cost of $150. Inquiries will be made about making two sided bilingual signs.
  • i. Motion made to approve brochure with suggested edits, starting with 25 copies printed by Salvation Army. Motion passes.
  • ii. Motion made to print meeting signs. Motion passes.
  • iii. Motion made to print signs in Spanish and English—preferable one language for each side. Motion passes.
  • iv. Motion made for 10 signs to be printed. Motion passes.
  • Thrive in the 05 Presentation (20 min) -- Allison Miller presents Thrive in the 05. North Dunbar/Spring falls into “Choice Neighborhood” boundary. Three ongoing efforts are directed at zip code district ending in 05 (specifically “85705”). Three different grant-funded projects look into 1) community-based crime reduction (from ASU’s school of social work), 2) choice neighborhoods (HUD), and 3) workforce development (Pima Community College). Concerning “Choice Neighborhoods,” a planning grant has been awarded to develop a plan for Tucson House on Oracle to create mixed use units. Currently 27% of all Tucson’s public housing is in Tucson House. This percentage represents elderly and disabled mostly. Discussion over whether renovation will result in vulnerable populations being displaced. Concerning “Workforce Developments,” next public meeting at Pima Community College (PCC) Downtown Campus Wednesday, September 25th, 2019, 6-7:30. Tour and information on PCC plans for Downtown Campus updates, as well as all THRIVE in the 05 projects. Natasha has requested that Thrive in the 05 returns to a future meeting to address property on 1st ave. and 11th, . This parcel of land has been donated by Salvation Army for affordable housing—yet project has stalled. Looking for information from City of Tucson Housing Development department on how to incorporate this parcel with the other 05 projects. A separate meeting will be scheduled.
  • Neighborhood Picnic November 10, 2-4pm - possible vote on Ramada rental fee (5 min) – Joint Neighborhood Picnic includes Barrio Blue Moon, Barrio Anita, and Dunbar/Spring. To take place in Oury park and discuss the need to rent a Ramada before it is taken.
  • i. Motion to spend up to $25 on Ramada rental in Oury park. Motion passes.

7. August minutes approved.

8. Adjourn 9:10 pm