September 2013

Minutes Date

1. Call to Order – 7:05pm

2. Sign in and Introductions

3. Treasurer Report – Balance has not changed: 1,415.71

4. Announcements

(a) Community planters in front of the Joel D. Valdez Main Library can be adopted with native seeds or plants. Planters will be planted the morning of September 28, 2013. For more information contact the library at (520) 594-5500 or visit the webpage

(b) Book Bike orientation Saturday September 21, 2013. Free books and reading glasses. For more information contact Karen Greene at

(c) Porch Fest Sunday November 24, 2013 (to coincide with the Mesquite Milling) 3PM-5PM in the Dunbar Spring Neighborhood, possibly coinciding with the BICAS fundraiser. To help organize the event contact Karen Green at

(d) Neighborhood reinvestment program bond committee meeting Friday September 20, 2013. Please considering attending and/or speaking to show support for neighborhood reinvestment. The meeting will be held at the Riverpark Inn at 8AM.

(e) Diana Rhoades, Vice Mayor Romero’s aide, is hosting a happy-hour fundraiser at her home at 1011 S. 4th Ave., Thursday 20, 2013, to raise money for Green Schools Events as part of Green Apple Day. For more information contact Diana Rhoades at A donation of 10 dollars is requested for admission.

5. Discussion

(a) Salvation Army Land Acquisition – Letter to the City of Tucson to reiterate that the City needs to acquire the land on 11th Ave and 1st Street to be used for affordable housing (whether or not they fund a project or sell the land to another entity to do affordable housing. Vote, passed unanimously. (Natasha is drafting the letter)

(b) Downtown Links – Letter to the City of Tucson (CAC, TDOT) to reiterate that no more demolition can occur until the project is fully funded. Vote, passed unanimously. (Karen, Sky, and Natasha drafting the letter)

(c) Downtown Links – Letter to the City of Tucson (CAC, TDOT) to reiterate that connectivity needs to be ensured for north/south pedestrian and cyclist traffic. North/south connectivity should focus not only on safety but also ease and comfort for north/south connectivity. Vote of initial support, passed unanimously. (Karen, Sky, and Natasha drafting the letter) Letter will be circulated to other neighborhoods for their support.

(d) Neighborhood Stewards – Initial sign-up list went around to get neighborhood residents to sign up as stewards to take care of trash and invasives in right of way. For more information contact Sky Jacobs. Next steps include contacting Gary Wittwer who may have additional information about people who are interested in signing up as stewards and a map for use.

(e) Sustainability and Education – UA class of 29 students are interested in doing a project in the neighborhood. Vince and Brad will most likely ask the students to participate in the annual neighborhood tree planting and clean up. The students will come and work 4 hours in the neighborhood. If interested in working beside the students this November, please contact Vince.

6. Committee Reports

(a) Downtown Links – Covered in discussion

(b) Neighborhood Garden – All new irrigation system built. Re-visioning for garden still needed.

(c) Dunbar Coalition – No report..

9. Approval of Minutes from July – No quorum to approve minutes

10. Adjourn – Quorum ended at 8:30pm, meeting adjourned at 9:00pm.