May 2012

Minutes Date

1. Call to Order– Meeting called to order 7:07 pm.

2. Sign in and Introductions

3. Treasurer Report

Treasurer is absent – no treasurer report.

4. Announcements

Paul Buckwalter has a friend who is looking to rent in Dunbar Spring. So does Natasha Winnik.

Sky Jacobs has updated the website. He hasn’t seen any indication that he will be able to take over the Yahoo group so he may have to start a new one.

Karen Greene announces that the Book Bike will be at the Dia de San Juan celebration on June 24 5-7 pm. The summer reading program is beginning with activities and coupons around Tucson. “Mind Our Own Businesses” has almost 500 Facebook likes. There has been some discussion about rogue decorating the construction fences, perhaps with some old photos. Living Streets Alliance and Downtown Tucson Partnership are having events to get people downtown including a screening of Bill Cunningham’s “New York” on June 16 at Scott and Jackson. There will be an antique fair on Memorial Day at Pennington Street Garage.

Ian Fritz and Sky Jacobs announce that there will be a series of chip and mulchy tree trimming workshops over the next year to coincide with brush and bulky pickup.

Diana Rhoades from Ward 1 announces that Environmental Services has created a pilot program for pilot programs like hazardous waste cleanup, etc. It is not a grant, but costs may be low. She also announces that the RTA has done a value analysis study of Downtown Links to cut out things that are not “cost effective” which include the deck park and multi-use path. Ward 1 supports keeping these things and many of us find this unacceptable.

Diana announces that archaeological work has been done at the southwest corner of Speedway and Stone for an RTA bus pullout. The city is also looking to sell that parcel and the student housing developers are moving forward. There is no design yet. Karen asks if the city will sell if the neighborhood and the developers cannot come to an agreement. Diana responds that Ward 1 wants to work for a positive solution knowing that the plan for that corner is for student housing. Karen and Ian want to hold a special meeting to discuss our requests for such a development, Karen will send out a doodle poll for a time for this meeting.

Ian Fritz announces that there will be a neighborhood meeting for amendment to the Main Gate Overlay on May 30 5:30-7:30 pm at 201 N Stone basement room C.

5. Discussion

(b) Vote: Neighborhood coalition discussion (moved forward) – Paul Buckwalter attended the first meeting of Richard Mayers’ emerging neighborhood coalition and was impressed with the number of neighborhoods, leadership, and organization so far. Stories and reasons to organize were shared and several leaders emerged. Paul is willing to be a point person but would like two other people to help. One thing that came up is the importance of having city recognized neighborhood plans, and he did not see any on file for Dunbar Spring. He suggests revisiting our plans and getting them approved by the city. Paul Buckwalter moves to join the neighborhood coalition. Vince Pawlowski seconds. No further discussion and motion carries unanimously.

(c) Vote: F-35 fighter jet (moved forward) – Mary Terry Schultz from Broadmoor-Broadway Neighborhood is leading a group to oppose bringing the F-35 fighter jet, a bigger, louder aircraft, to Davis-Monthan and is seeking endorsement from neighborhood associations. Ian Fritz has brought the letter to us on her behalf. Elizabeth Upham moves to support the letter. Vince Pawloski seconds. No further discussion and the motion carries unanimously.

(a) Neighborhood Reinvestment Art – None of the artists are present. Jennifer Donofrio of TDOT shares that there is a cost issue with Cade and Jesus’s benches. We don’t know what the cost issue is but they are pushing towards the triangle/ramp design. We need to communicate with them to see what the issue is. They should come to our next meeting. Ray Salas has heard all our comments and is willing to move forward and should have something by next meeting. The other bench team is ready to move forward. All projects must be done by December 31, preferably September 1.

Paul and Vince are concerned about the amount of time taken up by the discussion of art during general meetings. Paul suggests that we should have alternate meetings or a subcommittee to discuss the art projects. Elizabeth Upham moves to table the art discussion, but no second is heard.

Turtle and Ian share some images of Jason and Hiro’s newest bench designs. The lizard bench is a Gila monster on its back reading a book. The following feedback is heard:

Colors and posture should be more realistic.

Gila monster on back is too cartoonish, should be on its belly, still reading book.

The arms don’t have to be unrealistically long and the book doesn’t need to be in the center of its face.

Would still like to see tail curved around tree.

Most would like to see something very similar to the photo that Turtle has brought.

We ask that Jason and Hiro submit another drawing to us next meeting. Jennifer will relay our feedback.

6. Committee Reports

(a) Downtown Links – Natasha Winnik shares that there has been no Downtown Links meeting and the 8th Street culverts are being finished.

(b) Neighborhood Garden – No report but Lisa Scoblink shares that the drinking fountain is dripping and not working.

(c) Dunbar Coalition – Pearls of Wisdom foundation is providing support. Buffalo Soldier room is complete. The charter school is coming along and will be K-8, starting with K-3. It may be a boys’ school to focus on helping at-risk African American boys. They are starting a board and are looking for someone from the neighborhood. The Dunbar Coalition plans to loan them $10,000 to help them get started.

7. Approval of April Minutes

Karen Greene moves to approve, Sky Jacobs seconds. Motion carries unanimously but for one abstention.

8. Adjourn

Meeting adjourned 8:37 pm.