July 2014

Minutes Date

Treasurer’s Report: Same as of last month $765.73


• Ghost bike being installed on Speedway for neighbor Kris (she was the bicyclist who was killed by a driver running the red light at Main and Speedway in June). A request was made for the neighborhood to pay for concrete for the bike installation (after the meeting I was notified this was already paid for).

• The pit bulls were loose again – the lease is not being renewed – that tenant should be out by August.


• Martha Dominguez from the Neighborhood Reliance Organization talked about her group that formed out of the Smart Southwest Conference held in Sept. 2013. Her group would like to do a 1 ½ hour presentation about how the neighborhood can work together when a weather crisis happens in the future. The presentation tells stories of other cities dealing with weather crises’, a community cohesion scale to determine how well you know your neighbors and figuring out who is vulnerable (neighborhoods that are organized will be in better shape) and preparing for the challenge of the future. After the presentation teams of neighbors would form to create a plan, figure out resources within the neighborhood and the Tucson community. This training has been created in cooperation with the fire and police departments. Vince P. is interested in this project, but needs other folks to assist in putting the event together. Please contact him by e-mail at pawlowski@ultrasw.com

• A request from Ann Chanecka to write a letter in support of continuing the separated bike lane from St. Mary’s on to Church past the Convention Center. Motion to write a letter in support of continuing the separated bike lane from St. Mary’s on to Church. Passed 12-0

• Rincon Heights and West University neighborhoods have requested a road diet on 6th St. from Euclid to Campbell (instead of two lanes each direction, have one lane each direction, a turn lane, bike lanes and parking. After much discussion a request will be made to the BAC (Bike Advisory Committee) to have a presentation about this project before we will endorse with a letter.

Motion to table discussion until presentation next month. Passed 13-0

Committee Reports

DNARC – Report submitted separately – highlights are: streetcar kickoff weekend of July 25 – ride the streetcar for free that weekend; Barrio Kroeger Lane concerned about development by Rio Nuevo, presented Ranch Chuk Shon plan to celebrate the role of horses in the community but plan has been co-opted

Downtown Links – Feedback for the deck park (map brought to meeting) The deck park has expanded to the north as some land has been swapped (that’s where the trees will go). Water is being redirected to the northern part of the park. Fire trucks want a 24 foot road for emergency access along 5th St/Ash Alley so they don’t have to back up more than 150 feet. There is a concern that money will be spent on this road before it gets spent on the deck park. If this road must be built, the neighborhood wants it impassable to cars and needs bollards. There is also a need for electricity in the deck park. We will also need to clarify who is responsible for use of the deck park – perhaps a committee to be formed with reps from Dunbar Spring, Steinfeld, WAMO, Citizens Warehouse, El Presidio?

Garden – Vince patrols at night and asks people to leave if they are sleeping there. Chris is a professional landscaper and he worked with Sky to fix the irrigation for the trees. Chris is willing to continue to volunteer and would like anyone who needs paid landscape services to contact him. There will be a work party when people return from summer trips.

Dunbar Coalition – Alcoves in the hallway are embellished by artists. There is a leave above the women’s restroom – the a/c has been draining into a pan instead of outside the building. The bricks need to be repaired on the walkway. The kitchen also needs some repairs. The Delta sorority at the U of A has donated $10,000 and wants to have a regular meeting space.

Motion to approve June minutes passed 13-0.