December 2014

Minutes Date

Treasurer’s Report: Same as of last month $765.73


• The library is having a variety of programs coming up – Sat. Jan. 10th – Bike in Movie – 5:30-7:30 outside on Jacome Plaza; Tue. Jan. 13th 2:00 Volunteer orientation; Sat. Jan. 17th 9-10 a.m. Planter Work Party and ask a Master Gardener; Sat. Jan. 31st 8:30 a.m. Books on Wheels volunteer orientation

• Tour de Little Free Library (starting in our neighborhood) will happen Sunday Feb. 8th

• A test well was dug at 10th Ave/University to monitor the contamination plume

• Jan. 21st Mayor and Council meeting will be looking at the Infill Incentive District changes to look at heights allowed, setbacks, etc.

• Road work at Toole and Pennington to fix the traffic signals – will take three months starting some time in December

• Living Streets Alliance report is on our neighborhood website in the documents area

• Tree planting party scheduled for November 22nd, 8 a.m. Meet at University and 9th Ave, NW corner.

• TEP has cancelled meetings with Sky.

• Teresa Williams (City of Tucson housing development office) and Ann Vargas (City of Tucson) talked about HUD funding. They need to do a 5 year consolidated plan to determine how best to spend money to assist low income residents for the city and county. This funding covered HUD funding, CDBG block grants (used for public services, capital infrastructure, economic development, housing repair). In 2010, there are 50,000 housing units in Tucson that are 50 years or older that will need some kind of repair. There is a survey that you can respond to concerning how to spend these funds – contact Ann at 837-5424 or or Danny Tylutki with Pima County at 724-6754 or for more information.

• Keith Bagwell from Richard Elias’ office encouraged us to attend the next reinvestment bond meeting to support the $30 million neighborhood reinvestment program. It will be Jan. 9, 8 a.m. at the Riverpark Inn

• There was a general question about unused power poles and cable lines on University between 10th and Queen. Low cables are impacting trees

• We need to have a work party in neighborhood chicanes.


Neighborhood Garden – Taylor Moore works with Las Milpitas and Pueblo High School community gardens and is interested in setting up a program at our community garden involving students. They harvest and sell produce and are able to keep part of the profits. This would be a temporary fix as they are needing more space to put some of their plants. They will talk with the garden subcommittee for more information.

Potential 501(c)3 for Ward 1 – A group of neighbors from Ward 1 is looking to set up a nonprofit/advocacy group that could be used for networking, political power, socializing and use to help with grants that want to see a 501(c)3 status when you apply, as well as giving a tax deduction for those donating larger sums of money. Lots of questions about how the board would work and who would be on this board. The next meeting is Friday Jan. 23rd 5:30 p.m. at the Ward 1 office

Motion to support idea of creating Ward 1 neighborhood and possible 501(c)3 status in principal – Passed 7-0.

Committee Reports

Downtown Links – Deck Park meeting discussed a lack of bathroom planned for the Deck Plaza. We asked them to look into a composting toilet, or perhaps a building connected to the Citizens Warehouse. Questions about who maintains the plaza – Parks and Rec, Dept. of Transportation, the neighborhood, WAMO, etc. There is still concern about Ash Alley and city will remeasure and will get back to us about whether it is environmental services dept. and trash pickup issues, or fire department and fire truck backing up issues, both or neither that are causing concerns. Sky will work with designers to help pick native plants to go in the planters. The public art piece needs to be off of the deck itself for weight issues. They are looking into having a water filling station as well.

Dunbar Coalition – the museum is moving forward slowly. A curator will evaluate displays which will rotate. It will cost $2000 to fix bricks in the entryway. They are fixing the fountain area near the entry.

Motion to approve Nov. minutes passed 6-1.

Meeting adjourned.