August 2018 Meeting Minutes
Minutes Date
Treasurer’s Report: $2,316.67
Tucson Water; limited income assistance. Karen Greene passed around the income chart. Tucson Public Library; brief mention of August activities and workshops plus mention of open labs and entrepreneurial classes.
De Anza Park Community Meeting happened August, 9th, 2018. Karen summarizes the intention of the meeting, which was for TPD to announce their plan for decreasing neighborhood concerns regarding various illegal activities potentially taking place in the park. Also mentioned was the issue of people being moved from the park by TPD and its potential impact on Dunbar-Spring. Karen informs folks that several organizations were on-hand at the meeting including TPD, TPD mental health services, Tucson Parks and Rec., and City of Tucson Homeless Outreach.
Historic Neighborhood Signs
Christopher Rolls provides a brief summary of the signs, which serve to inform anyone passing along the neighborhood’s perimeter that the neighborhood is in fact designated as historic. The signs are approximately $50 per unit. The topic draws little attention and is tabled.
Bunny Signs (Traffic Control and Speed Deterrent)
Natasha Wink presents the following information:
12x12” signs. Any color, reflective and mounted on aluminum. Cost is $16 per sign. 4 to 5 days production time.
Also to be considered are the post that the signs will be attached to. Natasha was quoted $91 per post. Via 8ft signs are $30 per unit.
Mounting hardware and cement would also be needed. These could be purchased at local hardware store.
Natasha suggests starting with 10 to 15 complete signs at which point it is suggested that a estimated cost of $60 per complete sign be the operating costs while researching where the signs are to be placed.
A suggestion is made to purchase reclaimed sign posts from Tucson Iron and Metal. Natasha will research.
Traffic Circles
Research is presented by Berkana with regards to a traffic calming method - an additional traffic circle at 1st St and 10th Ave.
This intersection has the proper clearance for emergency services vehicles allowing for the addition of a traffic circle. Also no allow covers presenting any additional issues or cost.
It is stated that water (flooding?) is no longer an issue and has not been for years.
Water harvesting traffic circles are available.
A Tucson Water grant is available to Ward 1 via Tucson Clean and Beautiful - up to $45k for the installation of said water harvesting traffic circle
A basic traffic circle is $12k.
A petition is presented to the DSNA. This petition is for the installation of a traffic circle and is valid for four years.
61% of neighbors whose homes are highlighted and mapped by the city as required to approve the petition is presented.
It is mentioned that Jesse Soto from City of Tucson could attend a DSNS meeting to further explain how the process of installing a water harvesting traffic happens and what is required of the neighborhood to make it happen.
Speed humps and speed tables are also discussed as alternative options.
A general discussion ensues regarding the traffic issues on 1st St and specifically at the intersection of 1st St and and 10th Ave. Many personal stories of near accidents with cars are shared.
Karen requests that Berkana double check about whether not speed tables or speed humps are an option on 1st St due to some DSNA confusion regarding that street still being designated as a drainage way.
Karen is not comfortable with neighbors proceeding with petition signatures until more information is brought to the DSNA and until Jesse Soto is invited to discuss options with the DSNA.
Natasha suggests a meeting at the actual intersection for neighbors that typically do not participate in the DSNA meetings.
Joanna Williams questions the necessity of holding off until October for another presentation and feels that other than the water drainage question enough information is available to proceed with an on-site meeting and signature gathering for a traffic circle.
Karen disagrees and tables the discussion until October and until additional information is presented. Karen also requests that Berkana ask Jesse Soto to present to DSNA in October.
An additional suggestion is made to funnel any grant money received to upgrade older traffic cuts (retrofit with cutouts).
Neighborhood Association Re-engagement Campaign
Agenda item retracted by Christopher Rolls due to lack of preparation and meeting time overage.
Topic will be reintroduced at a later date.
Dunbar-Spring Centennial
November 10th and 11th.
Nov. 10th there will be a block party around the Dunbar School, however, street closure as yet to be defined.
Nov 11th there will be a brunch with a gospel choir and food.
A mentioned is made that a neighborhood guided tour would be great. Natasha says she can lead a tour however it cannot start later than 10am. Lisa suggested a subcommittee to assist with the Centennial planning.
How to Handle the House-less in Dunbar/Spring
A discussion is initiated by Joanna Williams with regards to bathrooms in De Anza and Estevan Park, which concludes with DSNA meeting participates being informed that a Parks Bond is comes up in November.
Karen suggests to the Ward 1 representative on-hand that the Salvation Army can help alleviate any of the issues with transit activity in Dunbar-Spring.
Committee Reports:
Tim Hagyard as been voted off DNARC.
A Downtown Neighborhood Association is being formed.
A new empanada restaurant has opened in the Pioneer building.
1055 Brewery and Sausage is open.
Rincon Heights is not fighting a cell tower but it will be surrounded by palm trees.
Downtown Links
No new news.
No new news. Karen will follow-up.
Neighood Garden
No new news.
No New news.
Dunbar Coalition
Lisa mentions potential updates to Dunbar School restrooms particular upstairs. Currently no dedicated restroom is available.
Neighbor raises topic of traffic and parking during Dunbar School activities. It is a mess and some solution needs to happen hand-in-hand with the school and local churches.
Neighbor Foresters
Tree trimming workshop is scheduled for September 8th.
11th Ave Project
No updates and no new news.
Approving July Minutes
Final minutes submitted to DSNA. Karen pushes approval back to September meeting.