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Development Plan for Franklin Docks area

Mercado Presidio and Warehouse Lofts at the Franklin Docks in TucsonTown West has a development proposal for the area known as the Franklin Docks, where the All Souls procession used to end. They came to the D/S mmonthly meeting in Dec. to show a preliminary idea of what they would like to put on the site. Images are from what was presented to the neighborhood at that meeting.

Mercado Presidio and Warehouse Lofts at the Franklin Docks in TucsonHere are notes from the meeting regarding the development: "Raul Reyes from Town West presents a preliminary plan for a mixed use development in the Franklin Docks area bounded by 6th Street to the north, Church Avenue to the west, Franklin Street to the South, Stone Avenue to the east, and the Union Pacific Railroad to the northeast. The development will be on three sides of the Steinfeld Warehouse. Originally, Town West had a development agreement and special zoning for this site. The development agreement still exists but the zoning has expired and reverted to I-1, industrial. Reyes says that the new plan is an attempt to address the negative issues that came up with their last proposal: provide some public parking, retail space, artist live-work space, public space, a bike path along 9th Avenue, and visibility for the Steinfeld." See more in the Dec. minutes here.

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