May 2013

Minutes Date

1. Call to Order – 7:10

2. Sign in and Introductions

3. Treasurer Report – No report. Assume balance has not changed

4. Announcements

(a) Concern over homeless man on 5th street was discussed as he has begun hoarding trash and as traffic on 5th street has increased due to 6th street road closures his safety and the safety of cyclists and pedestrians may also be a concern.

(b) DIY (Do It Yourself) Day on September 28, 2013 to teach others a skill that you possess. You can sign up to teach. Cannot pay to teach your skill but can help with supplies. Karen Greene will provide flyers at next meeting and flyers will be available at the public library downtown. Sign-up at the library or on website

(c) Community planters in front of library can be adopted with native seeds or plants. Planters will be planted the morning of September 28, 2013. Workshops this summer. Karen Greene will provide more details next month.

(d) If you know of anyone who is homebound and wants library books delivered, the library has a Books on Wheels Program to do that

(e) Summer reading program – Theme is “Dig In,” everything related to gardening and planting. 4 Lectures – dates to come. Lectures include: (Fridays 12Noon-1PM) - Kino Heritage Trees, A Cooks Garden, Sonoran Supermarket, (Saturday) Seed Saving 101.

(f) Infill Incentive District Forum– Ward 6 Office, Tucson city Planning and Development services presentation. Tuesday May 28th 6:30-8PM

(g) Ironwood tree experience – Martha Gebhardt explained that the current project is a garden clean up and irrigation garden repair. Thursday 23, 2013 from 5PM-7PM. Next Wed or Thursday do the 2nd half which would be the dig up and replacement. (Note: next week's clean-up is postponed - kee an eye here and on the listserv for further details.)(Contact Martha if interested in helping:

(h) There is a new Pastor at Friendship Missionary Baptist Church.

(i) Fundraiser Friday May 31, 2013 7PM at the Red Barn Theatre for sprinkler system it needs to stay open due to a fire code. Red Barn Theatre located at 48 N. Main Ave. Telephone number (520) 622-6973. You can also donate to the sprinkler system at

5. Discussion

(a) Neighborhood Garden Utility Service Bill – Roughly $200 dollars. Vote postponed. Most leaks in trees and parking lots. DSNA not responsible for leaks in trees and basketball court. If next bill is much lower than DSNA may not need to pay much to the utility services bill.

(b) Reinvestment Support Letter – A letter supporting the continuance of the reinvestment program. Letter was read explaining DSNA support of the bond package. Claire Zugmeyer made a motion to approve the letter. Karen Green seconded the letter. Letter of support passed unanimously.

6. Committee Reports

(a) Downtown Links – Halfway through the closure. Expected to reopen May 31st. Phase 1 of the links expected to be completed January 2014. No whistle zone still in the works. A federal committee is the decision-maker for the no whistle zone. 6th avenue will become a two-way street probably in July once traffic lights are installed. The deck park was discussed at the CAC meeting. Plans were passed around. The CAC voted to pass the plans to the engineering team to get a better idea of planning it and the costs. After reviewing plans, Claire Zugmeyer questioned width of bike path and rationale for width. The CAC is going to create a new a bike pedestrian subcommittee that is going to take a look at bike paths and routes integrated into the links program and the meeting is going to be Wed. May 29th at 10am, at the Parkwise building. 110 E Pennington Street. Ste. 150.

(b) Neighborhood Garden – Vince Pawloski reiterated that the utility service vote will be postponed and that it would be good to get more people involved in the project, especially on the Ironwood tree experience project. Drinking and smoking continues to be a problem in the garden. Vince spoke with the police and they informed him that the need updated contact information due to the elections. Vince stated that if Ian is ok with it that he can be the contact to the police for garden issues.

(c) Dunbar Coalition – Some changes to membership have occurred recently.

9. Approval of Minutes from March – Jacqueline moved to approved the minutes, Claire seconded. Minutes approved unanimously.

10. Adjourn – Meeting adjourned 8PM.