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DSNA Meeting Minutes: November 2023 Meeting Minutes

Minutes Date

Call to order 8:05pm

Attendance: Christopher Rolls, Christy Stewart, Nicholas McCullough Pima County District 5, Karen Greene, Matt Williams, Lisa Scoblink, Natasha Winnik, Noemie Despland Lichtert, Brendan, Tim Hagyard, Sky Jacobs, Tania, Abra Bentley, Faffs Riederer, Alexandra Zamecnik, Maxie, Michael Collins, Nat/Keith/kym/sula,Z  Bentele, Michael McKisson

No changes were requested. Oct. minutes were approved.

Treasurer’s report: Still at $772, but we need to reimburse for professional Zoom account; so far $65 has been donated

Announcements: (external and internal): Karen: the library is doing Brown Bag Book Share first Wednesday of each month; December Theme: Cold; 3rd Saturday of December is Parade of Lights downtown, very fun! 6:30-8pm (near Armory Park) 


Quiet zone celebration planning: A motion to authorize Mark and Faffs to write city officials informing them of DSNA’s intent to form a Quiet Zone Celebration Planning Committee and to ask their best guess when the application will go in and when we will be given the Quiet Zone designation. For 11/ Against 0

Dunbar Pavillion/IDEA School fence discussion with IDEA School: Faffs will send letter to school, but his conversation with a school director feel that it is more an issue with Dunbar Center. We can ask to have someone from Neighborhood Association visit Dunbar Coalition next monthly meeting and Faffs will initiate having open conversation with all three parties.The school is talking about fencing the east side, not parking lot side, with perhaps a lock. The neighborhood has a long history for that park and playground, and we are caretakers. Lisa says the new fence has been written into the contract between IDEA school and neighborhood. For writing letter: For 16/ Against (abstain) 0

Community Garden and Mural Proposals at Esteven Park: Tania is asking for a letter of approval of murals on restroom, four pillars, four trash cans.  with possible vote For 18/ Against (abstain) 0

Conflict of interest and officers of DSNA: Having a possible conflict is not a bad thing, but it is important to disclose any possible conflict especially if funding is involved. Perhaps we should disclose possible conflicts annually when folks are getting elected in April. An example is when Faffs did not discuss applying for a$ 75,000 grant for Splinter Collective with City. Faffs responded that although he lives at Splinter, he is not part of board or committee and had no information on grant. As much as we are able, it is important to communicate clearly with each other, so we don’t get information after the fact. We can add Splinter Group to monthly updates. 

941 Stone Ave Project update: Faffs has emailed with Gabe on planned 18 unit development on Stone, and they are applying for tax benefits (contact Faffs if you are willing to be on community benefits agreement committee)

We have been discussing a mini-transportation grant to work on 10th Ave/1st St (and possibly other areas in neighborhood): A group of neighbors applied for the grant suggesting that the area be considered for a mini-grant, describing some of the issues with the “FirstSt  Corridor,” to potentially include chicanes, speed humps, speed tables (possibly on 10th  Ave since we might not be allowed to have speed humps on 1st St due to water issues) . (Stop signs have been recently installed: thank you, Abra) An application has been submitted, but it is ok to submit more than one application. The application already submitted requested a look at the  broader area “between Main and Stone,” and you get “points” for specific details. Petitions are not necessary. 

Ways to include more neighborhood participation: meeting signs notifying folks of monthly meeting were printed and distributed, so folks will look for them and get them up before our monthly meeting.. City will pay for 2 newsletters/year, but we have not created a letter in two years. Alexandra suggested at least one annual Family-friendly event, and at least one annual survey seeking input from neighbors on their priorities.  Folks are invited to work on what they have a passion for.

Brainstorm for neighborhood activities/fundraising: Such as a Home Tour or Easter Egg Hunts, Porch Fest, Carnivals, doing something with Cyclovia such as a Lemonade Stand or children’s art table, or Made in Tucson Market. Let’s form a committee to address this, Christopher will send out email on listserve. 

Parking program for neighborhood: as we begin to see more infill and Downtown Links is finished, we might have more issues with parking. Funds from these permits and meter would be used towards traffic needs/improvements in the neighborhood (put in a bank and will receive interest as an investment in the future of our neighborhood) THere are drawbacks to the plan’ it can be expensive for those who have to get the permit. Christopher will investigate pricing for residents and guest passes, and what is the threshold we have to bring in to apply for money for next meeting

11th Ave project with possible vote: (nothing at this time, just want to keep as a running part of the discussion agenda)

Reports from the field

DNARC: (Downtown Neighborhoods and Residents Committee) TEP Power lines still haven't found a home, may affect Dunbar; Amory Park celebrate 150th anniversary and they also have online membership fee/voting program
Downtown Links:
Dunbar Coalition:
HFAC: (Historic Fourth Avenue Coalition) - Made in Tucson market the Sunday after Thanksgiving
WAMO: (Warehouse Arts Management Organization)
For the good of the cause - future topics


Meeting video: