Neighborhood Meeting (Virtual)


Agenda for DSNA Monthly Meeting Monday, Aug 19, 2024, 7PM.

Online at:

  1.    Call to order(7PM)
  2.    Attendance/Introduction question:
  3.    Changes/approval of previous month’s minutes
  4.    Treasurer’s report
  5.    Announcements (external and internal)
  6.    Discussion
    1.        Norte/Sur Update - Monica Landgrave-Serrano, Dept of Transportation and Mobility, City of Tucson (715)
    2.        Possible vote to reprint neighborhood meeting signs (730)
    3.        Possible vote to write a letter encouraging city to pay for at least quarterly mailings (735)
    4.        Discussion of possible fall activity- Halloween possibly (740)
    5.        Tucson Police have offered to attend our meeting. Would we like to invite them to our meetings? - Faffs Discussion (750)
    6.        Block Pals -  Faffs, let’s make phone maps, for emergencies (755)
    7.        Report back from neighborhood survey - Karen 8pm
  7.    Reports from the field
    1.    DNARC (Downtown Neighborhoods and Residents Committee)
    2.    Downtown Links
    3.    Dunbar Coalition
    4.    HFAC (Historic Fourth Avenue Coalition)
    5.    Stone/Speedway
    6.    Splinter Collective
    7.    WAMO (Warehouse Arts Management Organization)
  8.    For the good of the cause
  9.    Adjourn: 8:00 PM