Neighborhood Meeting
We will be meeting in person at 631 N 10th Ave - warehouse just south of the church at the SW corner of 10th ave/4th St.
Call to order(7PM)
- Attendance/Introduction question: If I could change one thing about our neighborhood, it would be...
- Changes/approval of previous month’s minutes
- Treasurer’s report
- Announcements (external and internal)
- POSSIBLE VOTE - Sending a letter to the city and state on behalf of the neighborhood about the liquor license for the Shell - Alexandra
- Large Black Trash Barrels - Alexandra
- Dive into data from summer survey - Karen
- Newsletter items - needs to to out in March and we need slate of officers for newsletter - Karen
Reports from the field
- DNARC (Downtown Neighborhoods and Residents Committee)
- Downtown Links
- Dunbar Coalition
- HFAC (Historic Fourth Avenue Coalition)
- Stone/Speedway
- Splinter Collective
- WAMO (Warehouse Arts Management Organization)
For the good of the cause
Adjourn: 8:00 PM