July 2013

Minutes Date

Call to Order – 7:04pm
Sign in and Introductions
Treasurer Report – Balance has not changed: 1,415.71


(a) Community planters in front of the Joel D. Valdez Main Library can be adopted with native seeds or plants. Planters will be planted the morning of September 28, 2013. For more information contact the library at (520) 594-5500 or visit the webpage http://www.library.pima.gov/locations/main/index.php

(b) Brad Lancaster will be at the Joel D. Valdez Main Library Saturday July 27, 2013 at 11am to speak about his recent book and to offer quick tips to save water around your home. For more information contact the library at (520) 594-5500 or visit the webpage http://www.library.pima.gov/locations/main/index.php

(c) A live bands event to be tentatively held in November in the Dunbar Spring Neighborhood, possibly coinciding with the BICAS fundraiser. To help organize the event contact Karen Green at kgreen5050@yahoo.com

(d) Vice Mayor Romero has nominated Brad Lancaster as a Cox Conserves Hero. To vote for Brad Lancaster or another candidate visit http://www.coxconservesheroes.com/arizona/vote.aspx Voting will be open until August 12, 2013.

(e) Diana Rhoades, Vice Mayor Romero’s aide, is hosting a happy-hour fundraiser at her home at 1011 S 4th Ave, Thursday 20, 2013, to raise money for Green Schools Events as part of Green Apple Day. For more information contact Diana Rhoades at Diana.Rhoades@tucsonaz.gov A donation of 10 dollars is requested for admission.

(f) A community brainstorming session on code enforcement entitled “Toughening Our Approach to Nuisance Properties” will be held at the Ward 6 office, 3202 E. 1st Street, next Tuesday July 23, 2013 from 4pm-5:30pm. Please contact Diana Amado at (520) 791-4601 if you’d like to attend as space is limited. If unable to attend the event Diana Amado can forward information from the meeting afterward.

(g) Arizona Public Media has produced a video highlighting the rainwater harvesting in Dunbar Springs Neighborhood. Air time TBD.

(h) Reminder that City of Tucson Parkwise will ticket cars that are parked fewer than five feet from a driveway. Cars parked on the street for more than a week may also be ticketed. Parkwise has a community commission, which can be contacted for any concerns. Visit http://cms3.tucsonaz.gov/parkwise/commission-agendas for more information.

5. Discussion

(a) Community Garden Irrigation System Repair – August 3, 2013 from 7:30am to 11:00am will be a volunteer day at the garden. The purpose of the volunteer day is to repair the irrigation system. Sky Jacobs purchased (roughly) 400 dollars of irrigation supply equipment for which he will be reimbursed from the Ironwood Tree Experience. Additionally, there is $100 from the Ironwood Tree Experience to use for food and replacement labor cost for the system repair. Lisa Scoblink or Vince Pawloski will find out if we can get online access to Tucson Water to view water-use/account history over time.

(b) Thefts and burglaries – Break-ins and bike thefts are up. Don’t forget to lock up your house and call TPD to report a break-in or bike theft.

(c) Tucson Clean and Beautiful – Offering materials to help neighborhoods with trash collection. Traffic circles and chicanes are full of trash. Neighborhood residents are asked to help clean up the traffic circles, chicanes, and right-of-way. It might be useful to have stewards or volunteers in different areas of the neighborhood designated to clean-up. Sky Jacobs will look at developing a map for sign-up on the Dunbar Spring Neighborhood website.

6. Committee Reports

(a) Downtown Links – Buildings are being demolished in Dunbar Spring Neighborhood without funding for the next Phase of the project. The next CAC meeting will be held Monday August 12, 2013 at 5:30pm at the InnSuites Hotels & Suites 475 N Granada Ave, Tucson. Bike path placement continues to be a concern. The next CAC Bike and Pedestrian subcommittee meeting is Wednesday July 24, 2013 from 3:00pm-5:00pm at the Pennington and 6th Avenue Parkwise building. Daniela Diamante needs to be asked if she is on the CAC Bike and Pedestrian Committee. Also, the CAC Bike and Pedestrian Committee may benefit from a letter from Dunbar Spring Neighborhood Association asserting the neighborhoods desires for the bike path. Lastly, the Barraza Family would like Links to be called Barraza Parkway to continue honoring the family. A vote on whether to resend a letter to the CAC over building demolitions in the neighborhood will be on next month’s agenda.

(b) Neighborhood Garden – More people or groups are needed to rent spaces. Karen Green will sponsor an unpaid space for $48.

(c) Dunbar Coalition – Funding to complete the retrofit is still needed. A K-6 daycare may possibly be opening in the school. A vote on whether or not to write a letter to the Pima County bond committee to support the Dunbar Project in the bonds will be on August’s agenda.

9. Approval of Minutes from March – Sky moved to approve the minutes, Ian seconded. Minutes approved unanimously.

10. Adjourn – Meeting adjourned 8:23pm.